January 2020

Weekly WODs – Monday 27th of Jan to Sunday 2nd of Feb

Announcements and Messages

CrossFit Teens – it’s back!

For those of you who have signed your kids up to our CrossFit teens class (and those who haven’t!), just a friendly reminder that the first class starts back on Tuesday 28th at 4.15pm. We still have 3 spots left, so if you or your young one are interested, please email info@basefitness.co to find out more.

Exciting news!

Next week we are bringing back our “Bring a Friend” session for FREE! This is your chance to show your friends just what you’ve been up to and give them a chance to give our gym a try. Numbers will be limited to 20 total people per class. This means one space for you and one space for your friend. Please register at the link below (and send it to your pal so they can also register their space), so that you can get a space. The bring a friend session will be held in the main unit, with all other WODs on the day taking place in the Base Fitness Unit.


Weekend Classes

We love seeing so many of you keen to train on weekends now that the holidays are behind us! One thing we would ask however, is that if you book in, you do your very best to make it OR, cancel out at your earliest possible convenience if you can’t make it. Over this weekend alone there were 6 late cancellation/no-shows which meant that others were missing out on their training spots. We know not everything can be prevented however we’d really appreciate your support with this.

Base Fitness & CrossFit Members Page on Facebook

As there are so many new faces in the gym at the moment, we just wanted to take a moment to remind you to request access to the “Base Fitness & CrossFit Members Page” on Facebook. This is a place for general chat, questions, announcements and more. If you are a current member at the gym, we’d encourage you to be a part of our Facebook Page to stay up to date of the latest information.

Recipe of the Week – Shrimp Pad Thai

During the week this week, I had a real craving for a flavourful Pad Thai dish – cue this weeks inspiration!

As shrimp isn’t a regular dish in our household, I swapped it out for Chicken (as it was on hand!) and also skipped the egg as I’m not a fan of scrambled egg myself – so substitute things as you feel necessary! For a quick and easy option, I used a stir-fry veg pack which had green onion/bean sprouts already prepped within it.


Post your finished dish to insta and tag @crossfiteastkilbride to let us know if you’ve enjoyed it!

Weekly Workouts

Base CrossFit


2 Sets – Wide grip pull ups
2 sets- Normal grip pull ups
2 sets- Chin Ups

8 minute AMRAP
250m Row/ski
8 devils press (22.5/15)

Rest 2 mins

8 minute AMRAP
8 ring dips
16 PVC jumps


5 sets x 3 reps Push jerk
With pause in catch


Power Clean (60/40)
Front Squat
STOH (Shoulder to overhead)


EMOM 24 mins
1- 60 double unders
2-18/12 Bike
3- 10 TTB then Remaining time max DB snatch
4- Rest


A) Back squat

4 Rounds
40 Alt Lunges
20 Wall Balls
60 second trunk builder


10 minute AMRAP
6 Sandbag to shoulder
8 Single arm Push press

rest 3 minutes

10 mintue AMRAP
12 Single arm KB swing
12 Box Step overs

Saturday (in the base unit)

In pairs

25 minute AMRAP
80 Kcals Row
100 Alternating press ups
80 Kcal Run
100 Synchro Air squats
80 kcal Ski
100 Synchro down ups

Base Strength


Back Squats
8 – 8 – 8
Heavier than last week – (2 seconds eccentric / key is to not hit failure, keep one rep in the tank at least) Rest 2 minutes between sets

Strength WOD
12 min AMRAP
20 Goblet squats – heavy
20 DB Clean and press – 10 Each Side
10 DB Waiter Good mornings – Heavy

4 minute Banded glute march
10 steps each way with 5 banded squats at each side
4 minute plank
1 mi Plank / 1 min side plank / 1 min side plank / 1 min Plank


8 – 8 – 8
5 second eccentric phase / explode up / start at a lighter weight and focus on execution / Rest 2 minutes in-between sets

Strength WOD
In pairs

80 Straight leg DL (around 70kg for best lifers must be an UB set though same weight for both movements)
60 Barbell Thrusters
80 Dimmel DL

3 rounds of:
8 Barbell roll outs
20 Back extensions


Repeat Friday’s Strength class

Base Conditioning


4 Rounds
3 minutes of Kcals (Row, Run, Ski)
2 minutes of burpees
1 minute of DB snatch


3 Rounds
3 on 1 min off ski
Aim to hold 1-3 sec faster than 2.5km speed

12 Rounds
30 seconds on/ 30 off Run

6 Rounds
1.15min on 45min Off row
(Aim to be 2-5 seconds faster than 2.5km speed)


Repeat Wednesday conditioning

Weekly WODs – Monday 27th of Jan to Sunday 2nd of Feb Read More »

Weekly WODs – Monday 20th of Jan to Sunday 26th of Jan

CrossFit Teens – it’s back!

Hopefully by now you have heard about the great news, our Teens program is back! Starting back officially on Tuesday 28th January, the new program will now run 2 x per week (yipee!), Tuesday’s at 4.15pm-5.05pm and Friday’s at 4-4.50pm. This time around, Coach Kyle will be taking the lead of the Teens program, working closely with them to develop their skills across each block of classes. Our first block will run across 6 weeks and the pricing will include access to both the Tuesday and Friday classes. The cost to take part is £90 for the 12 classes in this block.

The way the program is structured, spaces will be limited so please get in touch soon to reserve a space for those young ones interested. The classes will be open to those aged 12-16. Email info@basefitness.co to reserve a space, or find out more about the program. Spaces are open to all 12-16 year olds, including those whose parents may not be members at the gym.

Friday Open Gym

As a note, now that Teens classes are returning, Friday’s open gym will finish at 3.45pm to make way for the class. We appreciate your support in ensuring your training is finished promptly by this time each week.

Recipe of the Week – Lighter Lasagne –

Back to a batch cook favourite this week, we’re cooking Lasagne! Where this recipe calls for fresh egg lasagne sheets, another option would be to swap the pasta for Courgette which will help to reduce the carb content in the recipe.

To use for meal prep, cook this option on a Sunday to give you dinners for the week ahead. Save about three days worth for the fridge and the rest can be frozen quick and easy future lunches/dinners.


Post your finished dish to insta and tag @crossfiteastkilbride to let us know if you’ve enjoyed it!

Weekly Workouts

Base CrossFit 


30 Wall Balls
20 Box Jumps
10 kipping CTB

4 Rounds
Max effort Ring rows
15 bent over flyes


Build to heavy 3RM Hang Clean

6min AMRAP
6 Power Clean
6 Hang Clean
Rest 2 Mins
4min AMRAP
3 Power Clean
3 Hang Clean


4 Sets
12-15 Incline Bench Press
12-15 Bent over rows

EMOM 20min
1- 1min ski
2- 15 DB push press
3- max hollow rocks


4 x 5 Snatch Deadlifts

5 Rounds
2min on/ 1 min off
12 Hang power snatch (42.5/30)
12 burpees


8 rounds for time

10 dumbbell hang clean + jerks 30/22.5
10 toes to bar

rest till 15:00

6 rounds for time

10 kettlebell swings 32/24
10 cal row
10 kcal bike


In Pairs

24min AMRAP
30 Clusters (42.5/30)
30 Kcals ski/row
30 FR Lunges
30 Kcals ski/row
30 back squats

Base Strength 



12- 12 – 12 –
5 second eccentric phase / explode up / start at a lighter weight and focus on execution / Rest 2 minutes in-between sets

Strength WOD: 
4 rounds for time of: 
DB Squats x 16 reps 
Standing DB Filly Press x 16 reps total 
12 / 9 kcal run / row on true form 

100 Barbell Good mornings 
(Rest when partner is going try to hit sets of 25 or more – only add weight if good form) 


Strict Press 
10 – 10 – 10 –
Controlled eccentric no bouncing / Keep the bar moving the whole 10 reps  key is to not hit failure, keep one rep in the tank at least )  Rest 2 minutes between sets

Strength WOD 
8 rounds of 90 seconds 90 sec off
8 / 6 kcal ski 
10 Press ups hand on 20kg plates 
Max DL Burpees with DB in remaining time

3 sets of: 
Max Isometric hold – target 45 seconds (hands on 20kg plates, lower so chest in line with plates and hold make sure tension is maintained) 
DB side bends x 15 each side 


Repeat Friday’s Strength class

Base Conditioning

4 Rounds
1-min max Run
1-min Barbell Thrusters
1-min sit ups
1-min OH plate walking lunges
1-min rest


4 Rounds
2min on 1 min off Row
(Aim to be 1-3 seconds faster than 2.5km speed)

12 Rounds
25 seconds on/ 35 off Run

6 Rounds
1min on 1min Off Ski
(Aim to be 2-5 seconds faster than 2.5km speed)


Repeat Wednesday conditioning 

Weekly WODs – Monday 20th of Jan to Sunday 26th of Jan Read More »

Weekly WODs – Monday 13th of Jan to Sunday 19th of Jan

Announcements and Messages

What a week! It has been great seeing everyone back in after the holiday break. We all know that the first week back can be a tricky one, but you made it! This week’s gym announcements are going to be fairly short after a busy couple of weeks, with just a few things for you to know:

www.basefitness.co – it’s now live! It’s about time the old CrossFit website got a facelift and this website was well worth the wait. Along with the website, our email address info@basefitness.co is also now live, so you can find us there if you need us. For those of you used to emailing the CFEK address (or checking the CFEK website), both will now forward you directly to our new locations. This week you’ll also see a change to our social platforms, so don’t be surprised if the new name pops up in your feed!

Lastly we have changed the 9:15am Base conditioning class to a 9am start time to allow more time inbetween Conditioning and Strength.  

Beyond Training

January Goal Setting

With 2019 now well and truly behind us, it’s now time to start setting those 2020 goals (if you haven’t already!). This week we will be putting some paper up on the community board and we’d love you to share a few of your health + fitness-related goals with us. Please list them legibly on the board and they will be re-typed so that you can check them off as the year progresses. With your chances of achieving a goal going up by 42% by writing them down, why wouldn’t you!
If you aren’t quite sure how to write goals, here are a few resources to point you on the right track:

How to write S.M.A.R.T.E.R Goals – https://www.wanderlustworker.com/setting-s-m-a-r-t-e-r-goals-7-steps-to-achieving-any-goal/
How to write S.M.A.R.T.E.R Goals (youtube) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpKvs-apvOs&t=55s

Still need help? Speak to one of the coaches.  We love seeing you smash goals and are happy to help. Whether it helps with the smaller milestones to get to a bigger goal or just assistance in making your goals SMARTER, we are here for you!

Recipe of the Week – Roasted Tomato Soup

If you’ve checked the weather report for this week, it’s not looking good. This is one option of heating up on those cold dark nights!


Post your finished dish to insta and tag @crossfiteastkilbride to let us know if you’ve enjoyed it!

Weekly Workouts

Base CrossFit 


3 sets of Strict Pull ups 
or Ring Rows 

In pairs: 
1km Row 
80 SYNCHRO Down ups
1km SKi 
60 SYNCHRO Down ups
3km Bike 
40 SYNCHRO Down ups 


1 Power Clean 
1 Thrusters 

21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3
Power Clean 42.5 / 30 


A) Back Squat 
10 – 8 – 6 – 4 


EMOM – 18 minutes 
1- Bike / Row – 20 / 15 
2 – 20 DB step overs 
3 – Rest 


Strict HS Press up 
3 x 10 

5 rounds: 
2 min AMRAP / 2 min Rest 
30 Double unders 
20 Push Press 22.5 / 15kg 


Every 7 mininutes x 4 rounds: 

(1 round) 
DB snatch 22.5/15
Sit up / TTB 

(2 rounds)
DB snatch 
Sit up / TTB 

(1 round) 
45 reps
DB snatch 
Sit up / TTB 


In Pairs

150 Deadlifts (60/40)
125 Box Jumps
100 Thrusters
75 Press Ups
50 CTB

(24min time cap)

Base Strength 


Barbell Bench Press
10 – 10 – 10 – 10 
Heavier than last week / 3 seconds eccentric / 1 second pause at chest/  key is to not hit failure, keep one rep in the tank at least )  Rest 2 minutes between sets

16 min emom

  1. 10 incline db bench
  2. 16 alternating db bent over row
  3. 45 seconds ski erg (resistance at 10) 
  4. 30 seconds russian twists

3 rounds
15 bench dips 
into 10 side pulses/side


Back Squat
10 – 10 – 10 – 10 

15 min EMOM – 
1- 20 DB Lunges 
2 – 14 / 12 Kcal ski 

  1. 30 sec Bear crawl rotations  

12 – 12 – 12 – 
Lying hamsring curls 


Repeat Friday’s Strength class

Base Conditioning 


4 Rounds
1-min max ski
1-min Goblet Squats
1-min burpees
1-min plank
1-min rest


4 Rounds
2min on 1 min off Ski
(Aim to be 1-3 seconds faster than 2.5km speed)

12 Rounds
20 seconds on/ 40 off Run

6 Rounds
1min on 1min Off Row
(Aim to be 2-5 seconds faster than 2.5km speed)


Repeat Wednesday conditioning 

Weekly WODs – Monday 13th of Jan to Sunday 19th of Jan Read More »

Weekly WODs

Monday 6th of Jan to Sunday 12th of

Announcements and Messages

We’ve put out quite a lot of info across the last week, so we’ve copied a few things below just in case you’ve missed anything!

CrossFit East Kilbride will officially become Base Fitness & CrossFit in 2020! It’s been a long time coming but we are very excited to officially launch under our new name. As of this week, we’ll be going live with our new email info@basefitness.co Note, “.co” is intentional and will be the same on our website, so don’t feel you are missing out by missing out the “m”. Our info@crossfiteastkilbride.com email will still be active, so know that we’ll keep an eye on you from both accounts for the time being. Our new website should hopefully be going live this week as well!

Timetable changes – We hope you managed to read our email that went out on Saturday this week, but if you didn’t go back and give it a read. When booking into classes this week you’ll notice a few changes so yesterday’s email explains all! Keep an eye on our socials as we’ll be releasing a few example workouts that you can look out for.

Fundamentals offer for Friends and Family – note that our course starting this week is now full, but we still have 1-2 spots left on our induction course taking place on the 21st/22nd January – get in touch if you have friends that would like to join in.

Nutrition Coaching in 2020 – Last week we announced that our Group nutrition program will be kicking off with Tanika! More information will be going out this week, however for planning purposes, the program itself will be starting on Sunday 17th January, so if you are still interested in joining you have time. Why not invest in yourself this year and finally make the change to the nutrition habits that have been holding you back.
Email info@basefitness.co to find out more.

Beyond Training

Recipe of the Week – Buddha Bowls by tasty

This week we’re taking a twist and moving back to an easy recipe you can use for meal prep. Named a Buddha bowl, these are best known within vegan/vegetarian circles. I love them as they combine fresh healthy ingredients and look as good as they are to eat! This particular recipe makes use of tofu, but it can be easily swapped for your preferred protein source (chicken, fish, etc). Give it a try for lunch this week and let us know what you think.


Post your finished dish to insta and tag @crossfiteastkilbride to let us know if you’ve enjoyed it!

Weekly Workouts

Base CrossFit


Find Max effort Strict Pull ups or Max set of ring rows
3 x 25%
Max Ring row – feet supported by 20kg plate

Big sweat
20 Minute AMRAP

20 Wall Balls 20 / 14
20 Box Jump Over 20 / 16
20 KB Swings 24 / 16
20 Burpees


15 Mins Establish
1 Power Clean +
1 Hang Power clean

12 minutes
1 min on / 1 min off
8 Power Clean
8 Hang power clean

Remaining time:
Double unders


In 5 minutes as far as possible
2, 4 , 6 , 8 , 10………
TTB Unbroken – Goal is to test UB TTB capacity


15 min AMRAP

Erg Kcals 16/14
20 alternating V-sits
DB snatch 20 reps


Back squat
Build to heavy 8
15 minutes

4 rounds for time:
1:1 rest ratio

25 / 20 Bike
20 Goblet squats
8 Slam Balls over shoulder


2 rounds of:

4 min AMRAP
8 Hang Power Snatch 35 – 25
6 Burpees over bar

Rest 2 minutes

8 DB Thrusters 22.5 / 15
6 Kipping Pull ups

Rest 2 minutes


In pairs
30 minutes AMRAP

8 Push press 60 / 40
12 KB swings
16 Kcals

add 4 reps to each movement after each full round.

Base Strength


Back Squat
10 – 10 – 10 – 10 tempo

3 sets: 12 reps each leg
Back Leg DB Split leg lunges –
DB Dimmel DL – 20 reps –

4 rounds of:
20 Jump squats
30 second wall sit


10 – 10 – 10

Strength WOD
20 – 2
DB alt Strict press
BB Back rack lunges
Press ups
Weighted sit ups


Repeat Friday’s Strength class

Base Conditioning


4 Rounds
1-min max ski
1-min max air squats
1-min max run
1-min sit ups
1-min rest


2.5 km Row
Rest 2mins
2.5km Ski
Rest 2mins
2km Bike


Repeat Wednesday conditioning

Weekly WODs Read More »