Weekly WODs

Monday 6th of Jan to Sunday 12th of

Announcements and Messages

We’ve put out quite a lot of info across the last week, so we’ve copied a few things below just in case you’ve missed anything!

CrossFit East Kilbride will officially become Base Fitness & CrossFit in 2020! It’s been a long time coming but we are very excited to officially launch under our new name. As of this week, we’ll be going live with our new email info@basefitness.co Note, “.co” is intentional and will be the same on our website, so don’t feel you are missing out by missing out the “m”. Our info@crossfiteastkilbride.com email will still be active, so know that we’ll keep an eye on you from both accounts for the time being. Our new website should hopefully be going live this week as well!

Timetable changes – We hope you managed to read our email that went out on Saturday this week, but if you didn’t go back and give it a read. When booking into classes this week you’ll notice a few changes so yesterday’s email explains all! Keep an eye on our socials as we’ll be releasing a few example workouts that you can look out for.

Fundamentals offer for Friends and Family – note that our course starting this week is now full, but we still have 1-2 spots left on our induction course taking place on the 21st/22nd January – get in touch if you have friends that would like to join in.

Nutrition Coaching in 2020 – Last week we announced that our Group nutrition program will be kicking off with Tanika! More information will be going out this week, however for planning purposes, the program itself will be starting on Sunday 17th January, so if you are still interested in joining you have time. Why not invest in yourself this year and finally make the change to the nutrition habits that have been holding you back.
Email info@basefitness.co to find out more.

Beyond Training

Recipe of the Week – Buddha Bowls by tasty

This week we’re taking a twist and moving back to an easy recipe you can use for meal prep. Named a Buddha bowl, these are best known within vegan/vegetarian circles. I love them as they combine fresh healthy ingredients and look as good as they are to eat! This particular recipe makes use of tofu, but it can be easily swapped for your preferred protein source (chicken, fish, etc). Give it a try for lunch this week and let us know what you think.


Post your finished dish to insta and tag @crossfiteastkilbride to let us know if you’ve enjoyed it!

Weekly Workouts

Base CrossFit


Find Max effort Strict Pull ups or Max set of ring rows
3 x 25%
Max Ring row – feet supported by 20kg plate

Big sweat
20 Minute AMRAP

20 Wall Balls 20 / 14
20 Box Jump Over 20 / 16
20 KB Swings 24 / 16
20 Burpees


15 Mins Establish
1 Power Clean +
1 Hang Power clean

12 minutes
1 min on / 1 min off
8 Power Clean
8 Hang power clean

Remaining time:
Double unders


In 5 minutes as far as possible
2, 4 , 6 , 8 , 10………
TTB Unbroken – Goal is to test UB TTB capacity


15 min AMRAP

Erg Kcals 16/14
20 alternating V-sits
DB snatch 20 reps


Back squat
Build to heavy 8
15 minutes

4 rounds for time:
1:1 rest ratio

25 / 20 Bike
20 Goblet squats
8 Slam Balls over shoulder


2 rounds of:

4 min AMRAP
8 Hang Power Snatch 35 – 25
6 Burpees over bar

Rest 2 minutes

8 DB Thrusters 22.5 / 15
6 Kipping Pull ups

Rest 2 minutes


In pairs
30 minutes AMRAP

8 Push press 60 / 40
12 KB swings
16 Kcals

add 4 reps to each movement after each full round.

Base Strength


Back Squat
10 – 10 – 10 – 10 tempo

3 sets: 12 reps each leg
Back Leg DB Split leg lunges –
DB Dimmel DL – 20 reps –

4 rounds of:
20 Jump squats
30 second wall sit


10 – 10 – 10

Strength WOD
20 – 2
DB alt Strict press
BB Back rack lunges
Press ups
Weighted sit ups


Repeat Friday’s Strength class

Base Conditioning


4 Rounds
1-min max ski
1-min max air squats
1-min max run
1-min sit ups
1-min rest


2.5 km Row
Rest 2mins
2.5km Ski
Rest 2mins
2km Bike


Repeat Wednesday conditioning

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