Picture of Basefitness


Weekly WODs – Monday 13th of Jan to Sunday 19th of Jan

Announcements and Messages

What a week! It has been great seeing everyone back in after the holiday break. We all know that the first week back can be a tricky one, but you made it! This week’s gym announcements are going to be fairly short after a busy couple of weeks, with just a few things for you to know:

www.basefitness.co – it’s now live! It’s about time the old CrossFit website got a facelift and this website was well worth the wait. Along with the website, our email address info@basefitness.co is also now live, so you can find us there if you need us. For those of you used to emailing the CFEK address (or checking the CFEK website), both will now forward you directly to our new locations. This week you’ll also see a change to our social platforms, so don’t be surprised if the new name pops up in your feed!

Lastly we have changed the 9:15am Base conditioning class to a 9am start time to allow more time inbetween Conditioning and Strength.  

Beyond Training

January Goal Setting

With 2019 now well and truly behind us, it’s now time to start setting those 2020 goals (if you haven’t already!). This week we will be putting some paper up on the community board and we’d love you to share a few of your health + fitness-related goals with us. Please list them legibly on the board and they will be re-typed so that you can check them off as the year progresses. With your chances of achieving a goal going up by 42% by writing them down, why wouldn’t you!
If you aren’t quite sure how to write goals, here are a few resources to point you on the right track:

How to write S.M.A.R.T.E.R Goals – https://www.wanderlustworker.com/setting-s-m-a-r-t-e-r-goals-7-steps-to-achieving-any-goal/
How to write S.M.A.R.T.E.R Goals (youtube) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpKvs-apvOs&t=55s

Still need help? Speak to one of the coaches.  We love seeing you smash goals and are happy to help. Whether it helps with the smaller milestones to get to a bigger goal or just assistance in making your goals SMARTER, we are here for you!

Recipe of the Week – Roasted Tomato Soup

If you’ve checked the weather report for this week, it’s not looking good. This is one option of heating up on those cold dark nights!


Post your finished dish to insta and tag @crossfiteastkilbride to let us know if you’ve enjoyed it!

Weekly Workouts

Base CrossFit 


3 sets of Strict Pull ups 
or Ring Rows 

In pairs: 
1km Row 
80 SYNCHRO Down ups
1km SKi 
60 SYNCHRO Down ups
3km Bike 
40 SYNCHRO Down ups 


1 Power Clean 
1 Thrusters 

21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3
Power Clean 42.5 / 30 


A) Back Squat 
10 – 8 – 6 – 4 


EMOM – 18 minutes 
1- Bike / Row – 20 / 15 
2 – 20 DB step overs 
3 – Rest 


Strict HS Press up 
3 x 10 

5 rounds: 
2 min AMRAP / 2 min Rest 
30 Double unders 
20 Push Press 22.5 / 15kg 


Every 7 mininutes x 4 rounds: 

(1 round) 
DB snatch 22.5/15
Sit up / TTB 

(2 rounds)
DB snatch 
Sit up / TTB 

(1 round) 
45 reps
DB snatch 
Sit up / TTB 


In Pairs

150 Deadlifts (60/40)
125 Box Jumps
100 Thrusters
75 Press Ups
50 CTB

(24min time cap)

Base Strength 


Barbell Bench Press
10 – 10 – 10 – 10 
Heavier than last week / 3 seconds eccentric / 1 second pause at chest/  key is to not hit failure, keep one rep in the tank at least )  Rest 2 minutes between sets

16 min emom

  1. 10 incline db bench
  2. 16 alternating db bent over row
  3. 45 seconds ski erg (resistance at 10) 
  4. 30 seconds russian twists

3 rounds
15 bench dips 
into 10 side pulses/side


Back Squat
10 – 10 – 10 – 10 

15 min EMOM – 
1- 20 DB Lunges 
2 – 14 / 12 Kcal ski 

  1. 30 sec Bear crawl rotations  

12 – 12 – 12 – 
Lying hamsring curls 


Repeat Friday’s Strength class

Base Conditioning 


4 Rounds
1-min max ski
1-min Goblet Squats
1-min burpees
1-min plank
1-min rest


4 Rounds
2min on 1 min off Ski
(Aim to be 1-3 seconds faster than 2.5km speed)

12 Rounds
20 seconds on/ 40 off Run

6 Rounds
1min on 1min Off Row
(Aim to be 2-5 seconds faster than 2.5km speed)


Repeat Wednesday conditioning