February 2020

Weekly WODs – Monday 24th of Feb to Sunday 1st of March


Long Term Membership Offer

By now most of you have hopefully seen our video on the Private Members page, showing you an insight into what the new gym currently looks like. It’s a great big space and we have equally big plans to make it the best gym ever. In order to help facilitate some of our plans coming to life, we have decided to offer a one-off opportunity to purchase a long term membership option with us. This is something we’ve never done before and likely won’t again, so if it is of interest we’d ask you to reach out. The details? Please see below:

18-month membership contract offer – This option would involve an upfront payment of £1200 and offer you a Gold membership across the contract term. In this option you would receive a discount of £150 off the normal cost of 18 months, which is equivalent to two months free!!

12-month membership contract offer – This option would involve an upfront payment of £825 and offer you a Gold Membership across the contract term. In this option you would receive a discount of £75 off the normal cost of 12 months, which is equivalent to a month free!

As this is something we don’t normally offer, numbers will be limited to 10 memberships per offer. You can register interest by emailing us at info@basefitness.co. It’s not often that discounts come around, so this is a great opportunity if you are looking for a bargain!

*Please note, There will be T+C’s attached to these membership options. In these options we cannot offer any part or full refunds if the membership is terminated/walked away from at any point. As well, there will no option to freeze, hold or transfer the membership at any point during it’s duration.

Bring a Friend Session – Saturday 29th February, 9.45am-10.45am

Just a quick reminder that this upcoming Saturday is our next “Bring a friend” Class at Base Fitness! This is a chance to finally put your friends through one of our workouts! It’s a great chance for anyone new to give our classes a try, within a fun and supportive environment (and with you by their side!). Spaces are limited, so if you’d like to join, please sign up via the link here: https://goteamup.com/p/1651873-base-fitness-crossfit/e/22942186-base-fitness-bring-a-friend-class/ – both you and your friend will need to reserve a space separately. Can’t make it? Don’t worry, send your friend along anyway, we’ll make sure they are looked after!

Beyond Training

Recipe of the Week – Baked Turkey and Spinach Samosas

It’s a big thank you to Chef Tom Kerridge for this recipe and I can’t wait to give it a try! This is a spin on a classic samosa that you might be used to, but a slightly lighter version. Using Filo Pastry as an alternative lowers both calorie and carbohydrates allowing for a few extra portions if you please. As an alternative to turkey mince, you could also use substitutions such as ground chicken or lighter mince. Enjoy!


Weekly Workouts

Base CrossFit


4 x 10-15 Box Dips
4 x 4-10 strict ring dips (pause at top and bottom)

3 Rounds
2 min Kcal
2 min db step ups
2min 3 Strict pull ups/CTB (6 ring rows) + 10 air squats
2min Rest


1 Power Clean
2 hang power clean
3 Shoulder to overhead

12 min AMRAP
10 Deadlift (60/40)
8 Hang Power Clean
6 shoulder to overhead


Wall Climb practice
accumulate time upside down

8 Rounds for time
8 Strict HSPU (15 Press Ups)
12 Box Jumps
18 KB Swings


A) 8 sets of 3 3 Front squats
Aiming to go every 90 seconds


15 minutes For Quality
20 Barbell Good mornings
20 Reverse Lunges (DB/KBs)
20 Single arm KB deadlifts
1min Plank


3 min On
20 TTB
10 Slam Ball over shoulder
Remaining time max Kcal Ski

3 min Off

3 min On
50 Double Unders
16 DB Snatch 30 / 22.5

x 3

Saturday (In Base unit)

In Teams of 3

4 min Row/ski
3 Min burpees over bar
2 Power cleans 70/45
x 3

Base Strength


5 sets of 4 rep Back squat (same weight for all sets at last weight from last week)

4 rounds for quality:
20 Front rack lunges
20 DB Strict press (min 8 reps strict, push press rest)
30 raised air squats

20 sec plank left leg/right leg/plank
30 sec banded good mornings


A) 4 sets of 6 reps Push Press

8 Rounds
10 Barbell Muscle Cleans
10 Strict Press
10 press ups
15 jumping squats

Shoulder health


Repeat Friday’s Strength class

Base Conditioning


4 Rounds:
1 min goblet squats
1 min max kcal run
1 min DB snatch
1 min down ups
1 min rest


2.min 45 sec work (1-3 sec faster than 2.5km pace)
75 sec rest
x 3
2.min 45 sec work (1-3 sec faster than 2.5km pace)
75 sec rest
x 3
4 min on 2 min rest (Aim to Run further than last week)
x 2


Repeat Wednesday conditioning

Weekly WODs – Monday 24th of Feb to Sunday 1st of March Read More »

Weekly WODs – Monday 17th of Feb to Sunday 23rd of Feb

Announcements and Messages


Bring a Friend Session – Saturday 29th February

Great news! After the success of our last “Bring a Friend Session” we’ve booked in another class for Saturday, 29th February and wanted to let you know with plenty of notice! The aim of this session is to allow any friends you have that aren’t currently members of the gym to try it out, although if you can’t make it, they are still welcome to book in. We’ll be launching the sign-in link later this week, so keep an eye on our Social Media for details on how to register. So that we can keep track of numbers, we’d ask that both you and your friend reserve a spot for the class if you are planning to join in.

Beyond Training

Recipe of the Week – Make it yourself Muesli

Looking for a swap up to your breakfast routine that you can still take on the go? This make-it-yourself muesli recipe doesn’t include the added sugar/syrups you often find in store-bought brands. Even better, it’s got a good amount of fiber and a dose of protein to get your day started. Eat alone or with some Greek yogurt to set yourself up well for the day!


The healthy breakfast muesli recipe that will change your mornings – Chatelaine
The healthy muesli recipe that will change your mornings Your breakfast just got easier, faster and more satisfying. This healthy breakfast recipe is full of protein, omega-3s and fibre to …

Remember that if you aren’t tracking calories, you can adjust servings, or ingredients as necessary to help you fit your plan.

Weekly Workouts

Base CrossFit 


4 x 10-15 Box Dips


EMOM 30mins
1- 15-20 KB Swings
2- 60 Double Unders
3- 18/15 Kcal Ski/bike


4 sets of 1 Clean + 1 Front squat


10 min AMRAP 
10 Clean and jerks 60 / 40
10 Front squats 


5 sets for quality of:
1-3 strict pull ups
1-3 kip swings
1-5 kipping pull ups/CTB

20min AMRAP in pairs I Go U Go
12 DB Push Press
12 DB Step ups


Snatch Deadlifts 
4 sets of 5 reps


4 rounds of: 
25/20 cal row
15 hang muscle snatch (35/25)
rest 2 minutes  after each round


4 rounds of: 
15 Thrusters 42.5 / 30 
12 TTB 


4 rounds of: 
15 kcal Bike / 15 kcal Row 
10 Burpee Box jumps 


In Pairs
ascending ladder 5,10,15,20…..

Deadlift (60/40)
Power clean
Front Squat
Push Press

Base Strength 


A) 5 x 3 Back Squat

Strength WOD
10 – 1 
Deadlift (80/60)
Strict press (22.5/15)
Press Ups
30 sec hollow hold after each round


4 x 8 push press
1 set max effort at 60 %

Strength WOD 

15 minute EMOM
1 – DB floor press
2 – bent over Flyes 15-20
3 – 8 Front Squats

100 barbell Good Mornings


Repeat Friday’s Strength class

Base Conditioning

18 min AMRAP
22 Kcals 
16 DB Snatch
10 Burpees Over DB


2.5 min work
90 sec rest
x 3 rounds 

2.5 min work
90 sec rest
x 3 rounds

4 min on 2 min rest 
x 2 rounds 


Repeat Wednesday conditioning 

Weekly WODs – Monday 17th of Feb to Sunday 23rd of Feb Read More »

Weekly WODs – Monday 10th of Feb to Sunday 16th

Announcements and Messages

Welcome new members!
Across the past month, we’ve seen a number of new faces in and around the gym. It’s been so nice to welcome you in and watch you get involved so quickly! Keep up the great work!

As a reminder for those of you are new (and maybe who aren’t), we have a few channels that you can follow us on. Check/tag @basefitness_crossfit on Instagram for pictures, updates, and recipes. On Facebook, we can be found at CrossFit East Kilbride (for now, this is in the process of changing over), or on the members-only page which is Base Fitness & CrossFit Members Page.

Of course, all of the virtual places covered, the best place to find us is in person! Make sure you keep getting into the WODs, as this is the best way to improve technique and get to know your fellow members – at the end of the day, that is where the real fun is!

Recipe of the Week – Chicken and Vegetable Curry

This week I’m giving you two options for a tasty curry recipe, sure to warm you up during this windy storm! Curry recipes are not only a great way to introduce a bit of spice/flavor, they are also great for getting a variety of veg into your meals. For the longer version, packed with veg and spices, click here: https://wholeandheavenlyoven.com/2015/03/12/30-minute-chicken-veggie-curry-2/#wprm-recipe-container-25576

For a shorter, 6 ingredient version (using a jar of curry sauces – check for the jar with ingredients you can actually recognise!), click here: https://thefoodcharlatan.com/6-ingredient-one-pot-vegetable-curry-recipe/

Remember that if you aren’t tracking calories, you can adjust servings, or ingredients as necessary to help you fit your plan.

Weekly Workouts

Base CrossFit 


A)  Find Max effort Strict Pull ups or Max set of ring rows

Re Test from the 6th of Jan!!! 

20 Minute AMRAP

20 Wall Balls 20 / 14 
20 Box Jump Over 20 / 16 
20 KB Swings 24 / 16 
20 Burpees 


Build to Heavy Clean + Front Squat (FS) + Shoulder to overhead (STOH)  

Every 30 Seconds for 15 minutes
1 Clean + FS + STOH


In 5 minutes as far as possible 
2, 4 , 6 , 8 , 10………
TTB Unbroken – Goal is to test UB TTB capacity 

5 min on – 2.5 minutes off
10 press ups
10 Deadlift (50/35)
10 Push Press
30 Doube unders


A) Build to heavy 8 reps back squat 

3 rounds of 
50 Air squats 
20 DB box step ups 22.5 / 15 
15 Ring Dips 


5 rounds for time: 
In Pairs: 

50 Kcal ski / Bike
30 Sandbag to shoulders 
20 kipping Pull ups 


4 rounds of: 
1 minute Wall Ball (20/14 lb)
1 minutePush press  (35/25)
1 minute Box Jumps (20 in)
1 minute Row (calories)
1 minute Rest

Base Strength 



15 min Every 3 minutes
 5 reps Deadlift 

Strength WOD

12 minute EMOM 

  1. 10/8 cal sprint run
  2. 16 Barbell Lunges 
    3.. 45 second hollow hold 

Banded Glute bridges 
100 reps 


Bench press 12-10-8-6-4

Strength WOD

15 min AMRAP – 
10 double dumbbell bent over rows 2×11
10 hard pulls ski
10 clapping press ups
10 Core exercise 

Gymnastic swimming


Repeat Friday’s Strength class

Base Conditioning

5 rounds of: 
1 min DB snatch 
1 min Run 
1 min Down ups



2.5 km Row
Rest 2mins
2.5km Ski
Rest 2mins
2km Bike

(12min time cap)


Repeat Wednesday conditioning 

Weekly WODs – Monday 10th of Feb to Sunday 16th Read More »

Weekly WODs – Monday the 3rd of Feb to Sunday the 9th of Feb

We have big news….

But we aren’t ready to spill all the beans just yet……

If you didn’t see it, we released a blurry black and white photo on Instagram this week with the caption “to be continued….”. Spoiler alert, it was of Simon and Ally standing somewhere that wasn’t our gym. Yep, exciting and a touch confusing, we know. We’re going to keep hinting towards the big secret across the next week. Keep an eye on Facebook/Instagram for more details about just what we’ve been working on behind the scenes. We know you are going to love it as much as we do.

*Please note there will be no open gym on Wednesday afternoon between 1pm and 4:30pm. We apologise for this inconvenience.*

Beyond Training

Goal Setting
Just a friendly reminder to either email us or write your goals up on the piece of paper on the community board near the change rooms. We love to hear what you are up to and want to help you smash all of your goals this year. Since sharing goals helps with adherence, let us know so we can help you stick to them. All goals will then be re-typed and posted next week so that you can tick them off as the year passes!
On a side note, we also LOVE hearing about goals you’ve achieved or times you’ve hit a new personal best. Please make sure when these things happen, you let the coach know, or tag us on Instagram (@basefitness_crossfit) with any posts. We want to be able to celebrate your wins with you 😄.

Recipe of the week – Salmon and Pesto Tray Bake

I love a traybake. They are quick, tasty and can leave you with plenty of leftovers when planned correctly. This week, we’re changing it up and bringing back a Salmon version that gives us a healthy dose of Omega 3s. Where the recipe as it stands is roughly 511 calories per serving, you’ll find that you can play around by reducing the portion sizes slightly if needed. The easiest way to do this would be to split the recipe into 5 portions instead of 4. Remember weights of Salmon steaks might change as well, so if you are tracking your food, plug your ingredients into My Fitness Pal for the most accurate results. When it comes to the veg, go mad, the more the merrier!


Salmon pesto traybake with baby roast potatoes recipe | BBC Good Food
Keep little kids happy at the family dinner table with this colourful salmon traybake that’s delicious and healthy, with a good dose of omega-3 from the fish

Let us know if you liked the recipe this week or have a suggestion for next week by tagging @basefitness_crossfit on instagram.

Weekly Workouts

Base CrossFit 


3 sets max strict pull ups
1 set max banded pull ups

I go U Go – 2 minute windows x 12 (24minutes)
8 box jump
10 KB Swings 32/24
12 goblet squats
Max kcals remaning time (ski/bike)


Build 2 heavy reps of: 
Power clean + Push Jerk 
1 + 1 

EMOM for 10 minutes 
5 Power clean + Push Jerk 


5 Rounds (10minutes)
30 sec steady ski/bike
30 sec max TTB/ knee raises/ tuck hold
60 sec rest

6 rounds for quality
12 Ring Press Ups
14 Alt single leg v-sits
16 Single arm KB Deadlift (each side)


Front squat 
5 – 5 -5 -5 

15 minute AMRAP 
10 Front Squats from rack(40% of A)
20 Alt DB Lunges (22.5/15)
60s Slam Ball march


4 min AMRAP – 2 min off 

20 DB Snatch 
10 Burpees over DB 

4 min AMRAP – 2 min off 

10 Kcal Row / 8 kcal bike 
40 Double unders 

2 rounds 


In Pairs
100 Kcals
50 Rounds of
5 DL, 3HPC, 1 STOH (60/40)
100 Kcals

Base Strength 



Strict Press 
8 – 8 – 8 

Strength WOD


Bent over row 
Assualt calorie runner 
DB floor press 
Weighted sit ups 



Back Squat 
8 – 7 – 6 

Strength WOD 
18 minute AMRAP 

Barbell Lunges 16
16 DB Clean and press 
16 kcal ski 
16 alternating v-sits 


2 rounds 
40 Air squats 
20 banded hip bridges 


Repeat Friday’s Strength class

Base Conditioning

6 Rounds
2-min Kcal
1min- burpees
1min- Rest

Alt kit each round


3 Rounds
3 on 1 min off Row
Aim to hold 1-3 sec faster than 2.5km speed

8 Rounds
45seconds on/ 45 off Run

6 Rounds
1.15min on 45min Off Ski
(Aim to be 2-5 seconds faster than 2.5km speed)


Repeat Wednesday conditioning 

Weekly WODs – Monday the 3rd of Feb to Sunday the 9th of Feb Read More »