Weekly WODs – Monday 10th of Feb to Sunday 16th

Announcements and Messages

Welcome new members!
Across the past month, we’ve seen a number of new faces in and around the gym. It’s been so nice to welcome you in and watch you get involved so quickly! Keep up the great work!

As a reminder for those of you are new (and maybe who aren’t), we have a few channels that you can follow us on. Check/tag @basefitness_crossfit on Instagram for pictures, updates, and recipes. On Facebook, we can be found at CrossFit East Kilbride (for now, this is in the process of changing over), or on the members-only page which is Base Fitness & CrossFit Members Page.

Of course, all of the virtual places covered, the best place to find us is in person! Make sure you keep getting into the WODs, as this is the best way to improve technique and get to know your fellow members – at the end of the day, that is where the real fun is!

Recipe of the Week – Chicken and Vegetable Curry

This week I’m giving you two options for a tasty curry recipe, sure to warm you up during this windy storm! Curry recipes are not only a great way to introduce a bit of spice/flavor, they are also great for getting a variety of veg into your meals. For the longer version, packed with veg and spices, click here: https://wholeandheavenlyoven.com/2015/03/12/30-minute-chicken-veggie-curry-2/#wprm-recipe-container-25576

For a shorter, 6 ingredient version (using a jar of curry sauces – check for the jar with ingredients you can actually recognise!), click here: https://thefoodcharlatan.com/6-ingredient-one-pot-vegetable-curry-recipe/

Remember that if you aren’t tracking calories, you can adjust servings, or ingredients as necessary to help you fit your plan.

Weekly Workouts

Base CrossFit 


A)  Find Max effort Strict Pull ups or Max set of ring rows

Re Test from the 6th of Jan!!! 

20 Minute AMRAP

20 Wall Balls 20 / 14 
20 Box Jump Over 20 / 16 
20 KB Swings 24 / 16 
20 Burpees 


Build to Heavy Clean + Front Squat (FS) + Shoulder to overhead (STOH)  

Every 30 Seconds for 15 minutes
1 Clean + FS + STOH


In 5 minutes as far as possible 
2, 4 , 6 , 8 , 10………
TTB Unbroken – Goal is to test UB TTB capacity 

5 min on – 2.5 minutes off
10 press ups
10 Deadlift (50/35)
10 Push Press
30 Doube unders


A) Build to heavy 8 reps back squat 

3 rounds of 
50 Air squats 
20 DB box step ups 22.5 / 15 
15 Ring Dips 


5 rounds for time: 
In Pairs: 

50 Kcal ski / Bike
30 Sandbag to shoulders 
20 kipping Pull ups 


4 rounds of: 
1 minute Wall Ball (20/14 lb)
1 minutePush press  (35/25)
1 minute Box Jumps (20 in)
1 minute Row (calories)
1 minute Rest

Base Strength 



15 min Every 3 minutes
 5 reps Deadlift 

Strength WOD

12 minute EMOM 

  1. 10/8 cal sprint run
  2. 16 Barbell Lunges 
    3.. 45 second hollow hold 

Banded Glute bridges 
100 reps 


Bench press 12-10-8-6-4

Strength WOD

15 min AMRAP – 
10 double dumbbell bent over rows 2×11
10 hard pulls ski
10 clapping press ups
10 Core exercise 

Gymnastic swimming


Repeat Friday’s Strength class

Base Conditioning

5 rounds of: 
1 min DB snatch 
1 min Run 
1 min Down ups



2.5 km Row
Rest 2mins
2.5km Ski
Rest 2mins
2km Bike

(12min time cap)


Repeat Wednesday conditioning 

Weekly WODs – Monday 10th of Feb to Sunday 16th Read More »