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Weekly WODs – Monday 2nd of March to Sunday 8th of March

Announcements and Messages

Long Term Membership Offer – Available to start in April – please let us know in writing by this week if you are interested

By now most of you have hopefully seen our video on the Private Members page (or visited in person!), showing you an insight into what the new gym currently looks like. It’s a great big space and we have equally big plans to make it the best gym ever. In order to help facilitate some of our plans coming to life, we have decided to offer a one off opportunity to purchase a long term membership option with us. This is something we’ve never done before and likely wont again, so if it is of interest we’d ask you to reach out. The details? Please see below:

18 month membership contract offer – This option would involve an upfront payment of £1200 and offer you a Gold membership across the contract term. In this option you would receive a discount of £150 off the normal cost of 18 months, which is equivalent to two months free!!

12 month membership contract offer – This option would involve an upfront payment of £825 and offer you a Gold Membership across the contract term. In this option you would receive a discount of £75 off the normal cost of 12 months, which is equivalent to a month free!

This will be a one time opportunity that will go live in April for those interested. Please send an email to us at info@Basefitness.co by Sunday next week to confirm your interest. T+C’s will be attached to this offering, so please get in touch to find out more.

Beyond Training

How much Protein should you eat?

One of the questions we get over and over again, is how much protein is a good amount in order to support body/fitness goals? This helpful article by precision nutrition breaks down how much protein you may want to be eating based on your goals, as well as the research behind claims you often see in the media. If you want to learn more about how much protein you should be eating, or perhaps just want to learn more about what protein is/does in the body, then have a read!

Read the article here: https://www.precisionnutrition.com/will-a-high-protein-diet-harm-your-health?utm_source=marketingcloud&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=022720-L1PresaleProspects-HighProteinDiets

Still lost? Remember at Base Fitness we offer both 1 to 1 and group nutrition coaching. Contact info@basefitness.co to find out more.

Recipe of the Week – Turkey Chilli Jacket Potatoes

Opting for an all in one type recipe this week, this recipe gives you your carbs, fats and protein all in one! Add some veg and you’re good to go for lunches and meals during the week *it’s a good re-heat option! If you made last week’s recipe of the week and want to swap out the Ground turkey, consider swapping for 5% steak mince instead for a change in flavor.


Weekly Workouts

Base CrossFit


4 x 10-15 Box Dips
4 x 4-10 strict ring dips (pause at top and bottom)

Try and increase reps from previous week

100 kcal
80 wall balls
60 ring rows
50 kcal
40 wall balls
30 ring rows


5-5-5-3-3 Thruster

1min On/off
10 Thrusters (60/40)
max OTB burpees
x 6


20 min AMRAP

5 power snatches
9 Box Jumps


Barbell reverse lunges
4 x 16 (8 each leg)

1km row for time

100 banded Good mornings
max hollow hold after every 25 reps



10 Deadlifts (90/65)
15 Press Ups
60 Double unders
Rest 2 Minutes

5 BMU/10 CTB
20 Goblet Squats
Rest 2 minutes

x 2


In Pairs

30 minute AMRAP
1 partner AMRAP Cindy
1 partner max distance row/ski/bike
Rotate every 5 minutes
So 3 rounds of each

Base Strength


Build to heavy 5 RM push press
(12 minutes to build)

15 min AMRAP
15 Stiff leg deadlift
20 Single arm push press (10 each side)
Max effort tempo press ups (3 secs down / 1 sec hold / fast up)
20 leg lifts

30 seconds on / 30 seconds off
Banded pull aparts


Build to heavy 6RM Back squat

5 rounds:
20 Back Squats @ 40% of a)
16 DB Bent over rows
45 seconds Glute bridges

5 sets of 6 broad jumps


Repeat Friday’s Strength class

Base Conditioning


4 min AMRAP
20 kcal (alt)
15 goblet squats
10 press ups

1 min rest x 4


3 min work 1-3 sec faster than 2.5km pace
60 sec rest
x 3
Ski 1-3 sec faster than 2.5km pace
3 min work
60 sec rest
x 3
4.5 min on 1.5 min rest
x 2


Repeat Wednesday conditioning