May 2020

18th May Live WOD


This is the Live WOD from 18th May 2020

24 Min EMOM

Min 1 – AMRAP of 3 in and outs into 3 knee drives

Min 2 – 60 Double Unders

Min 3 – AMRAP of 3 Ski Jumps into 3 Power Push Ups

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11th May Live WOD


This is the Live WOD from 11th May 2020

3 rounds: 
30 Hip bridges 
16 Walking lunges 

3 rounds: 
30 Reverse flys 
10 Bent over rows 

2 rounds: 
8 Curl and press each side 
12 Stationary lunges each side 

11th May Live WOD Read More »

9th May Live WOD


This is the Live WOD from 9th May 2020

60 reps for time
with db/kb
alternating hands
renegade row into a cluster + overhead lunge 

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8th May Live WOD


This is the Live WOD from 8th May 2020

For time: 
4 rounds of: 
20 Box Jumps or tuck jumps 
20 Ground to overhead 
20 in and outs
20 Press ups

8th May Live WOD Read More »

6th May Live WOD


This is the Live WOD from 6th May 2020

3 sets of 
A) 16 DB Lunges 
A1) 20 second plank hold with leg raise 

C) Close grip DB Bench press x 20 reps 
C1) Reverse grip bent over row x 20 reps 

B) Stagger Stance RDL x 10 each side 
B1) Lateral lunge x 10 each side 

2 sets of 
D) 1 minute of Bicep curls 
D1)1 minute of Tricep overhead press 

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