Weekly WODs 5th October to 11th October 2020

And just like that…it’s October! Somehow in the blink of an eye, the year is already rounding off but not to worry, we’ve still got plenty of fun planned yet. As we continue to settle into the new routine of a socially distanced fitness facility, we’re still working hard in the background to ensure you’re still getting the best experience possible. The introduction of open gym this week is only the start, we’ve still got other plans in the works, so stay tuned. Please have a quick read below on updates for this week – any questions, you know where to find us!

General Updates + Reminders

Open Gym Comeback

Hopefully saw our update last week, but open gym is coming back! Starting Monday, we’re going to be re-introducing Open gym on a reduced scale in the first instance to trial our new set up. We’ve made a few small shifts based on feedback regarding timings, so please have another quick read below to see updates on start/end times as well as cut off times to join Open Gym Sessions.


8.30am-9.50am – Mon/Wed/Fri *cut off time for entry is 9.20am

3.15pm-4.20pm – Tues/Thurs *cut off time for entry is 3.50pm

11.45am-12.45pm – Saturday *

We understand that school drop off times may impact the ability for some to make it to the start of Open Gym times during the week as they currently stand, so we’ve updated the entry protocol to advise that you can still attend an Open Gym session as long as you arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the session end time. IE if the session is ending at 9.50am, you must be inside and ready to go by 9.20am. The only exception to this will be the Saturday Open Gym time, where we prefer you aim to make use of the whole hour.

We’ve also pushed the ending time by 5 minutes to give you additional time to clean up, as you will need to exit the facility before the next class begins to allow for cleaning. This means that if the session ends at 9.50am, you need to be cleaned up and prepared to leave at 9.50am – thank you for your support with this.

As a reminder, you MUST be booked in in order to attend open gym and spaces will be limited to 12. Open Gym is free for Gold Members and will count as one session for those on Silver or using a Class pass.

Other reminders about Open Gym:

You will be responsible for cleaning any and all equipment touched. We’d encourage you to plan smart and aim to choose a station where you can remain for the duration of your workout. If you need to borrow equipment from another box during your session, please ensure it is cleaned and returned to the original location. Any abuse of this will not be tolerated.

Please be respectful of space and social distancing while inside the facility. At this stage, equipment should not be shared and you will need to train with at least 2m spacing between yourself and anyone else.

All open gym sessions will be monitored and we’d ask for your help in sticking to the above. This will be crucial in order to keep open gym time running and any abuse of the rules could result in privileges to open gym being removed.

Changerooms to re-open from 12th October

We’ll be working this week to get the changerooms ready for opening on the 12th. In the initial period, they will be opening in a limited capacity, with only 2 people allowed within the facilities at any one time. We’d ask that you are prompt if using the facilities to ensure that there are no major backlogs with people using them in the morning. Where possible, we’d still encourage you to shower at home where possible.

Note: Unfortunately due to delays from our suppliers, there will only be one mirror available within the changeroom when we first open. We apologies if this causes any inconvenience and hope to have the changeroom fully complete by November.

Late Cancellations/ No-Shows

We know that life happens and sometimes you won’t be able to make it to the gym at last minute notice. That said, please remember that if you do not turn up to a workout without cancelling, it means that someone else may be missing out. If you cancel with less than 45 minutes notice prior to a class, or after 10pm before an early morning class, then it will use one of your class credits for the month.

Other requests from the Coaching Team

After a month of training in our new facility, we’ve noticed a few things. Here are a few suggestions from the Coaching team to help make the workouts run more smoothly.

Find a station with the right Barbell before you start: When choosing your workout station for the day, if there is a Barbell needed, it’s worth having a check before settling in a station – ie if you don’t want to use a 20kg barbell, perhaps try and swap to a station with a 15kg barbell prior to beginning the workout. This saves swaps mid-WOD and reduces the need for sharing equipment between squares. Stay tuned for a video on how to identify which Barbell is which in the near future.
Always take your used towel with you at the end of your workout and place in the used container provided by the exit. If you always seem to forget, just check your basket – if it’s empty, you’ll be set to go. On that note, please be nice to the baskets and avoid dropping plates, DB’s or BBs on them 🙂
If you happen to have borrowed equipment from another box for your workout, please ensure it is cleaned and returned to where you found it. This is the responsibility of the exerciser, not the coach.



22 minute AMRAP
22 overhead lunges
22 box step ups
22 press ups


Hang power clean
build to heavy 2

90 sec on / 90 sec off x 6
20/15 cals
max hang power cleans (85/60)


5 x 5 (5 seconds down) 

10 min for quality
10 single arm sumo deadlift/side
10 high pulls/side
10 windmills



Cals (make 90sec on 30 off x2)

db Hang clean and jerk


V-sits (lemon squeeze)

Cals (same as above)


Front Squat 
3 x 6

3 rounds for time
75 double unders / 50 Bar hops
50 cals
25 hang squat clean Thrusters


10 rounds

10 kettlebell swings
10 sit ups
10 burpees


10-8-6-4-2 mins of for max meters
2 min rest between
build pace

Weekly WODs 5th October to 11th October 2020 Read More »