November 2020

Weekly WODs – Monday 30th of November to Sunday 6th of December



For 20 minutes (8 rounds)
1 hang squat clean (alternating db or kb tater)
2 Moutain climber
3 v – sit
4 – thruster (both hand on bell)
5 – In outs or shuttle sprints


15 min AMRAP

60 Doube unders
12 DB Deadlifts each side
9 HPC each side
6 STOH each side


20min EMOM
1 – tempo press ups
2 – temp squats
3 – tempo split lunge each side
4 – plank hold
5 – Rest


100 buprees for time
EMOM 14 jump lunges


4 rounds of:

3 mins on 1 min off

6 DB Squats R
6 DB squats L
4 Thrusters R
4 Thrusters L
2 Devils Press R
2 Devils press L


For time:
150 Bunny hops
80 Air Squats
60 DB Hang Snatch
40 Pistols
60 DB hang clean and Jerk
80 Air squats
150 bunny hops

Weekly WODs – Monday 30th of November to Sunday 6th of December Read More »