Monday 11th of Jan to Sunday 16th Jan


8 rounds for time, of:

10 pike press ups
20 deadlifts (10 each side.)
30 sit-ups


100 DB burpee clusters
emom 20 double unders/ pocket taps


3 sets of:
20 Alternating DB lunges
10 Single arm strict press (each side

3 sets
2 10 second lower gobelt squat + 10 sec hold at bottom
10-20 single arm db floor press each side

5 sets
15 sec hollow/tuck hold
10 sit ups


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

20-cal. row/ 60 second side shuffle
15 dips
5 dumbbell half Turkish get-ups R/L


Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

20 push-ups
25 squats
20 push press
25 squats


Partner WOD
YGIG for 20 minutes
1 min on / 1 min off
10 DB snatch
8 Box jumps
remaining time max Burpees over the DB

Monday 11th of Jan to Sunday 16th Jan Read More »