Picture of Basefitness


Monday 1st of Feb to Sunday 7th of Feb


8 min AMRAP
30 Air Aquats
15 Press ups or 10 Pike press ups

Rest 2 minutes

8 min AMRAP
30 DB snatch
15 sit ups

Rest 2 min

8 min AMRAP
20 Thruster
20 In and outs


4 rounds of:
DB Single Arm Press 12 – 15 Each Arm
DB Single arm Row 12 – 15 Each arm
Rest 20 seconds between movements

Single arm overhead Press 10 – 15 reps
DB bent over Row 25 reps

21s Bicep and tricep
21s shoulder circuit


24 min AMRAP
16 Hang Clean and Jerks
12 DB Lunges
16 DB step ups

Every 3 minutes complete 6 Devils press


For time:”

100 hang power snatches

100 push presses
100 sumo deadlift high pulls
100 front squats


21 min EMOM 30 sec on – 30 sec off

1) Burpees
2) Box jumps
3) Shuttle sprints


4 rounds of 1 min on / 1 min off
5 Deadlifts / 5 Power Cleans / 5 Thrusters Right and Left
Max Burpees over DB in remainging time.

Straight in to

4 rounds 2 min on / 2 min off
10 DL / 10 Power Cleans / 10 Thrusters Right and Left
Max Burpees over DB in remainging time.