January 2021

Wod 7th Dec


6 rounds for time
10 Bar facing Burpees
10 Toes to dumbell or v-sits
10 DB clean and jerk

Wod 7th Dec Read More »

Monday 4th of Jan to Sunday 10th of Jan


5 rounds of:
3 minute AMRAP
3 power clean / 5 air power clean
6 press ups
9 air squats
1 minute rest in-between


20 min AMRAP
30m bear crawl
30 DB step ups
20 single leg v- sits
30 DB swings


3 rounds:
30 seconds on – Single arm row
30 seconds on – Single arm row
30 seconds on – Dips
30 seconds on – lawnmoer rows
30 seconds on – wide grip press ups
30 seconds on – lawnmoer rows
1 minute on – DB Bicep curl
1 minute on – DB Chest press


100 hang clean and jerks
emom 20 double unders

rx + split jerks


5 rounds for time of:

30 kettlebell / DB swings (15 each arm)
25 Toes to hands
20 Stiff leg Deadlift
15 Reverse crunches


10 Shuttle sprints
5 burpees
20 sit-ups
15 push-ups
10 – shuttle sprints
Rest 2 minutes

Monday 4th of Jan to Sunday 10th of Jan Read More »