February 2021

Monday 15th of Feb to Sunday 21st of Feb


4 Rounds for time of:

20 DB power cleans
10 Burpees over the DB burpees

Rest 2mins

8 Rounds for time of:

10 DB power cleans
5 Burpees over the DB burpees


5 rounds
1 min on of:
Bear Crawl
Shuttle sprints
Box jumps/step ups
Hollow/ tuck hold
Rest 1 min


4 min AMRAP
16 FS ( 8each side)
32 DU

Rest 2 mins

4min AMRAP
16 Push Press ( 8each side)
32 DU

x 2 rounds


4 rounds of
8 single leg deadlift each side
Super set
20 sec single leg glute bridge each side

4 rounds of
8 floor press (3 sec lower)
Super set
5-10 diamond press ups
super set
30second Bent over flyes

4 rounds
10sec hollow hold into 10 crunches into 10 sit ups


20 min AMRAP

10 Press Ups
20 air squats
30 walking lunges
40 sit ups


30 sec mountain climbers before each round (steady pace)
27,24,21, 18,15,12,9,6,3
Goblet Squat
DB Snatch

Monday 15th of Feb to Sunday 21st of Feb Read More »

Monday 8th of Feb to Sunday 14th of Feb


5 rounds:

1 min on

Shuttle sprints
Press ups
Box jumps
Half burpees

Rest 1 min


5 rounds of:
3 minutes on
50 hops over DB
18 DB Snatch

Rest 1 minute


18 min AMRAP

8 renegade rows
10 Pike press ups
12 DB squat cleans (6 each side)


5 rounds for time of:
6 Devils press
20 walking lunges
6 Devils press
20 walking lunges

15min time cap


4 rounds
8 deadlift each side ( 4 sec lower) each side
30 sec glute bridges

4 rounds
8 floor press (3 sec lower)
30second Bent over flyes

6 rounds
10sec hollow hold into 10 crunches


20min AMRAP
20 goblet squats
20 push press
20 thrusters

Monday 8th of Feb to Sunday 14th of Feb Read More »