Picture of Basefitness


Monday 8th of March to Sunday 14th of March


1 min on / 1 off

x 10 rounds
10 ski in and outs
5 hang DB CnJ each side
Max burpees remaining time


5 Rounds
10 split squat lunges each side
10 strict press each side

5 Rounds
20 walking lunges
10 single arm swings each side

For time
20 weighted sit ups
40 sit ups


For time:

50 in and outs
50 air squats
50 in and outs
Directly into:
30 DB Snatches, 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
20 DB Snatches, 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
10 DB Snatches, 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs


20 min AMRAP
3 Turkish Get ups each side
10 plank rotations each side
16 cossack squats

3 rounds gymnastic swimming


2 min on 1 min off

x 7 rounds
40 Double unders
8 DB power cleans each side
remaining time max double hand thrusters


Open Workout 🙂