Workouts Monday 15th of March to Sunday 21st


Every 2mins x 10

40 Double unders
10 press ups
20 air squats


100 reps for time
1 Devils press + push press + thruster


4 Rounds
Max floor press each side
12 bent over rows each side
Max tempo narrow press ups

Tabata hollow hold

4 Rounds
8 lateral box step ups
20 cossack squats

Tabata back extensions


20 min AMRAP
10 power cleans each side
20 sit ups
10 push press each side
20 Burpees


4min AMRAP
4 goblet reverse lunges
2 DB/KB swings each side
add 2 reps each time
try hold onto DB/KB whole time

rest 2 mins

4min AMRAP
2 DB snatch each side
2 DB Front squat each side
add 2 reps each time
try hold onto DB/KB whole time
rest 2 mins

x 2


Open 21.2

Workouts Monday 15th of March to Sunday 21st Read More »