Picture of Basefitness


Monday 22nd of March to Sunday 28th of March


10 min AMRAP
10 DB facing burpees
10 Front squats each side
10 push press each side

Rest 2 mins

8 min AMRAP
10 DB facing burpees
5 Front squats each side
5 push press each side


3 Rounds
30 sec of underhand bent over rows each side
30 sec of bent over flyes
30 sec of Lawnmower rows each side
60 sec press up hold
rest 90 secs

3 Rounds
30 sec step ups each side
30 sec squat hold
30 sec of weighted stationary lunges each side
30 sec squat hold

Alt between hollow hold and sit ups


4 Rounds:
1:00 – Thrusters
1:00 – Power Cleans
1:00 – Box Jump Overs
1:00 – Side In and Outs
Rest 1:00 between rounds.


18 min AMRAP
30 sec bear crawl
2 turkish get ups each side
8 plank marches
30 walking lunges


12 min AMRAP
3 rounds
10 power clean each side
20 press ups

3 Rounds
60 Double unders (hops over DB)
30 air squats
remaining time max burpees

Rest 2 mins and REPEAT


Open 21.3