Monday 29th of March to Sunday 4th of April


On the 4:00 x 5:
30 Air Squats
15 burpees
14 Alt DB snatches


10 min AMRAP
50 Double unders
30 walking lunges

Rest 2 mins
10 min AMRAP
30 sec bear crawl
20 DB step overs/ups


5 Sets
8-12 upright rows (single or double)
Max Floor Press each side (30 sec each side)
30 sec weighted glute bridges
45 sec back extensions
60 sec press up hold
Rest 60-90secs

Tabata weighted sit ups and hollow holds


25 min AMRAP
20 hang Clean and Jerk
20 In and Outs
20 sit ups

Starting with and every 5 mins after
10 Devils clusters


4min AMRAP
4 goblet reverse lunges
2 DB/KB swings each side
add 2 reps each time

rest 2 mins
4min AMRAP
2 DB sntach each side
2 DB Front squat each side
add 2 reps each time

rest 2 mins

x 2


90sec on/off x 8
30 sec mountain climbers
6 thrusters each side
remaining time max DB facing burpees

Monday 29th of March to Sunday 4th of April Read More »