Weekly WODs Monday 12th April to Sunday 18th of April


In a 5:00 Window
100 Double-Under Buy-In
Time remaining, AMRAP:
12 Goblet squats
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs

Rest 2:00

In a 5:00 Window
100 Double-Under Buy-In
Time remaining, AMRAP:
8 Goblet Squats
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs

Rest 2:00

In a 5:00 Window
100 Double-Under Buy-In
Time remaining, AMRAP:
4 Goblet squats
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs


32min EMOM
1 – 25 sec single arm swings each side
2 – 2 sec pause top and bottom press ups (30 secs)
3 – 30 sec static split leg lunge each side
4 – 30 sec hollow/tuck hold


For time:

50 burpees
40 DB hang Clean and Split Jerk
30 thrusters
40 DB hang Clean and Split Jerk
50 burpees


20 min AMRAP
20 DB Snatch
20 DB walking lunges
20 push press
20 DB step ups


Every 4mins complete
12, 8, 4
DB power clean ( each Side)
In and Outs
V Sits


10 rounds
30 sec shuttle sprints
30 seconds devils press
30 sec burpees
rest 90 secs

Weekly WODs Monday 12th April to Sunday 18th of April Read More »