Weekly WODs – Monday 20th of September to Sunday 26th of September



Build to a moderate but not max 5 rep max Deadlift
No touch and go


For Time
Double Unders
Sit Ups
25-20-15-10-5 (90/65kg)



4 sets x 6-10 reps strict chin ups
Super set
4 sets 6-10 reps strict Ring dips/ negatives/toe assisted


For time:

50 burpees to target
50/40 kcals

4min rest

25 burpee to target
25/20 kcals



Back Squat
10-10-8-8 reps
starting about 60%

12min AMRAP
10 DB Squats or pistols (goblet or if possible double)
14 DB step Over (single or double if possible)
30 second L-sit/knee hang

Base Conditioning (7pm only)

On The runner
10 kcal 5 air squats
9 kcal 6 air squats
8 kcals 7 airs squats
7 kcals 8 air squats
6 kcals 9 air squats
5 kcals 10 air squats
5 kcals 10 air squats
6 kcals 9 air squats
7 kcals 8 air squats
8 kcals 7 airs squats
9 kcal 6 air squats
10 kcal 5 air squats
On the rower
1min max effort
1min rest
2min max effort
2min rest
1min max effort
1min rest
2min max effort
2min rest
2min rest
10min in pairs max distance
30 sec on/off runner


1 Power Clean + 2 Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean
Build to heavy

B) Ascending ladder for 8mins
5 Box HSPU
1 PC (60/40)
add 1 PC each round


5 Rounds for time
400m run/ 500m row or ski
30 box jumps
30 wall balls
30min time cap


WOD – 8am to 8:50am

Team WOD – 9am to 10:30am!

Team WODs are back! This Saturday will see the return of our world famous team WODs! The team WOD will last 1 hour and 30 minutes. It will be in teams of 3 and don’t worry if you don’t have a team we will get you one on the day. There will be multiple workouts during the team WOD. The goal is to have fun, meet some new people and get some of that good old CrossFit buzz about the place. There’s nothing quite like working out with friends.

Hope to see you all there!


0-12 minute
on the 0min, 4min and 8 min mark 35/25/15 front squats
Max row remaining time
1min rest

13-25 minute
on the 13min, 17min and 21min mark 35/25/15 strict press
max ski remaining time
1min rest

26-38 minute
on the 26min, 30min and 34min mark 35/25/15 thrusters
max run remaining time

Weekly WODs – Monday 20th of September to Sunday 26th of September Read More »