Weekly WODS – Monday 20th of Dec to Sunday 26th of Dec

Hey team,

We just want to say a massive thank you to everyone for coming and taking part in our fitness fundraiser on Saturday. What a fun day! It was amazing to get everyone together, despite the current circumstances and raise money for two fantastic causes.

Our fundraising total is currently sitting at £1330 which is an incredible effort from everyone! We will be closing the Just Giving page on Wednesday so if you haven’t had a chance to donate but would still like to, you have a few more days. If you have already made a contribution, we really cannot thank you enough
Once again thank you all for your efforts on Saturday. Look forward to seeing you all back in the gym across this week.




7 rounds for time –

15 kettlebell swings 24/16
15 power cleans 42/30
15 box jumps (or Step Ups) 24/20




Build to heavy 3rm back squat


Sprint Nancy
3 rounds of:

400-meter run (500m row/450m ski)

15 overhead squats (or Front squats) 42.5kg / 30kg
12min time cap




Build to a heavy Clean and Jerk


30 Clean and Jerk




Five rounds for time:

400-meter run (500m row/450m ski)

30 box jumps (step ups) – 24/20 inch

30 wall ball shots (20/14 lbs)



12 WODS of Christmas!

The final WOD of our 12 WODs of Christmas. This WOD is a little crazy but a lot of fun! We’ll make sure to talk it through fully on the day and there will be plenty of scaling options available.

1 snatch 60/40
2 clean and jerks
3 thrusters
4 front squats
5 power cleans
6 deadlifts
7 Push Press
8 Toes to bar (hanging knee raises)
9 Chest to Bar (ring rows)
10 burpees
11 press ups
12 bar muscle ups (jumping pull ups)

Weekly WODS – Monday 20th of Dec to Sunday 26th of Dec Read More »