Weekly WODs – Monday 3rd of Jan to Sunday 9th of Jan

Happy New year! We hope you had a great weekend and are ready to get back to it all.

Our full *new* timetable will be launching on Monday 10th of Jan. Some changes will start to take place on Wednesday 5th of Jan. Most notable the morning class times. Everything will be explained in full in our Newsletter. If you have any questions please email info@basefitness.co

You may notice that we have attached “Tags” to our Daily WOD. This is to help you identify what the primary focus of that class is and we had a little fun with it.

“Classic CrossFit” = CrossFit is a mix of all types of fitness, gymnastic, weightlifting, conditioning and more. It’s going to be a mixed bag of fun movements performed with a lot of intensity.

“Heavy Day” = To get strong, you have to lift heavy. We want to dedicate more time to strength work and to do that we need to give you more time to lift and more importantly rest after. This class will be slower paced but you will still reap mighty benefits.

“Big Nastics” = The focus here is on bodyweight movements. Gymnastics can be tough but it takes time and patience. We will be focusing on bodyweight strength and skill work in this class so that we can build your foundation. There will also be some form of heart rate raiser build in.

“Team Takeover” = Working out with a buddy is amazing, there’s nothing quite like suffering together and you guys love partner workouts so we are going do a lot more of them.

“Barbell Conditioning” = One of the hidden gems of CrossFit. Moving a barbell is incredibly beneficial for the heart and muscles and it’s a lot of fun to. Expect to be lifting heavy or moderate weight and breathing hard.

“Pump and Grunt” = Yes you read that correctly. Think old school body building. While CrossFit likes to focus on big bang for your buck movement, it’s good to sometimes focus on one muscle group at a time as well. There will normally be a short sweat in this type of class as well. (Go watch “pumping iron” and you’ll see why we called it “pump and grunt”)


“Classic CrossFit”

20 min AMRAP
20 power cleans
20 target burpees
20 box jumps


“Heavy Day”

Back squat, 5 rep
Shoulder press, 5 rep
Deadlift, 5 rep

We will be using these numbers in the upcoming weeks, please try and get in!


“Big Nastics”


4 x 3-8 strict/weight pull ups
Super set
45-60 sec press up hold


EMOM – 15 mins
1- 16 hang db clean and jerk
2- 30 sec knee tuck
3- 30 sec weighted sit ups


“Team Takeover”

For Time
150 Wall Balls
100 kcals
150 KB Swings
100 kcals
100 TTB
Max kcal remaining time whilst other partner holds plank


“Barbell Conditioning”

A) 7-7-7 Front Squat


30 RFT
3 Deadlifts
2 Front Squats


“Pump and Grunt”

4 Rounds
10 ring rows
20 empty bar strict press
30 box dips

Rest 1 min
Every 3 mins x 5
20 DB snatch
20/15 kcals


“Classic CrossFit”

800m Run
50 pull-ups
100 push-ups
150 air squats
800m run

Please note this will return back to a repeat of Strength and Conditioning from Sunday 16th of Jan.

Home workout


20 minute EMOM
Sprint 10 burpees
0:45 cap each minute


20 min AMRAP
4 minutes on 1 minute on

10 DB Deadlifts
10 steps ups


21 dumbbell thrusters
63 In and outs (double feet)
18 dumbbell thrusters
54 In and outs (double feet)
15 dumbbell thrusters
45 In and Outs (double feet)

Weekly WODs – Monday 3rd of Jan to Sunday 9th of Jan Read More »