Weekly WODs – Monday 17th of Jan to Sunday 23rd of Jan

Quick announcement team!

Emily Sunman will be re-launching our very popular Core + Stretch class starting on Thursday 20th at 7:30pm. Emily will be offering a vinyasa style of yoga with the aim of it helping you balance out your CrossFit training. We are so excited to have the class kicking off and hope you can make it along. We would recommend bringing your own yoga mat along and/or a towel and if you have yoga blocks then please feel free to bring them as well.

There will be a slight change to the timetable on Thursday going forward with classes running at 4:30pm, 5:30pm 6:30pm and Stretch at 7:30pm.


“Barbell Conditioning”
For Time:
40 burpees
40 power cleans
30 burpees
30 Front Squats
20 burpees
10 burpees
10 clusters

Base Strength (6pm only)

4 sets of 10 deadlifts @ 2.5-5kg heavier than last week
3 Sets of:
8-10 single leg deadlifts each side
20 glute bridges
30-45 second plate pinch
Tabata weighted sit ups


Every 4 min x 4 rounds
2 x max weighted pull ups (aiming for min 5 at weight)
2 x max weighted chin ups

Assisted scale – barbell set up and pause with chin above bar
4 sets x 6-8 reps for quality

Super set with

8-10 box HSPU after each set

10 min AMRAP
10 kip swings
10 underhand barbell rows
10-30 sec hollow/tuck hold

Base Conditioning (7am and 7:15pm only)

EMOM x 12
15/12 kcals
Every 2 mins x 6
300m Run


“Team Take Over”
Max Distance Run in 28 mins:
Whilst completing 10 rounds of
10 devils press (double if possible)
20 DB snatch (single)

I go U Go
1 partner doing a round, 1 partner running

Base Strength (6pm only)

4 sets x 8 reps of 1+quarter strict press
starting at last weeks 10 rep weight

3 sets of:
10-12 skull crushers
8 under hand rows with pause at the top
15 barbell front raises

3 sets of 20 seated turn overs


“Classic CrossFit” (open 20.2 repeat)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

4 dumbbell thrusters
6 toes-to-bars
24 double-unders

7:30pm – Stretch class


“Heavy Day”
5 sets x 5 reps back squat
add 2.5-5kg from last week

3 rounds of:
8 – 10 barbell good mornings (add weight)
8 Single arm squats each side 3 second down 2 second at the bottom


“Grunt and Pump”

60/48kcal row
50 KB swings
40 box step overs (2 DBs)

3 Sets
10-12 ring rows
8-12 reverse grip bicep curls
Max double DB strict press
Rest 1-2 mins


Base Conditioning

Base Strength – Repeat strength lower body day

Weekly WODs – Monday 17th of Jan to Sunday 23rd of Jan Read More »