Weekly WODs – Monday 9th of May to Sunday 15th of May


Dumbbell daft
0-15 minute mark
30-24-18 or 24-18-15 kcal row
15-12-9 Single arm DB thruster each side

15-30 minute mark

30-24-18 or 24-18-15 kcal ski
15-12-9 Single arm DB devils press

Base Strength

A) Back Squat 3 sets of 10 @ 2.5-10kg heavier than last week

B) 3 sets of 10 side step ups
(step up left foot, DB in right hand)
Superset with
60s sandbag march

C) 3 rounds of:
20 calf raises,
20 weighted sit ups


A) EMOM for 8mins

1-5 BMU/ jumping BMU/ jumping CTB

B) Every 2mins
10 ring rows
Super set with
12-15 standing behind head DB triceps extensions
x 4

C) Core – 4 sets of 10 single leg raises + 10 together

Base Conditioning


Time Trial
0-12 mins
2km/1.8km row


1mile Run

In Pairs

10 x I go U Go
30 sec max kcal run


Barbell conditioning

A) 5 sets of 3 power snatch



For time:
75 power snatches 35/25

Base Strength

A) 5-5-5-5 pause push jerk
(pause in the dip)

B) 1 set max push press @ 70% of A

C) 4 rounds of:
6-8 seated DB strict press (alternating)
8-10 ring rows

D) 3 sets max hanging knee tuck


Team takeover

For max reps
3 min max kcal run
3 min max burpee box jump overs
3 min wall climbs
3 min wall balls
3 min rest
x 2


Heavy Day

A) 4 Sets of:
3 Front Squats + 3 Split Jerks

B) 1 set max push press @50-60% of A

C) 12min AFAP in teams of 3
sand bag carry (1min each)


A) Rope pull or rope pull ups
4 sets of 4 each side

B) Going every 6 mins x 4 rounds:
350m Run
20 TTB


Base Conditioning

Base Strength – Lower Body

Weekly WODs – Monday 9th of May to Sunday 15th of May Read More »