Picture of Basefitness


Weekly WODs – Monday 27th of June to Sunday 3rd of July

Hi team,

A few quick reminders for what’s happening this week.
Change of Schedule – On Wednesday the gym will be closed from 8am until 6pm. The gym is being used for Ninja warrior auditions throughout the day. We still have classes on in the morning and evening and have increased class size to accommodate more people. Please check go team up for class availability and take note of changed class times in the evening. There will be no open gym available during the evening classes.

Kids in the gym – We know it’s the start of the school summer holidays and we hope you are able to get some time away for a little well-earned rest. One thing we would like to ask and remind parents is that children are not allowed in the gym unattended and shouldn’t be left in the reception area during WODs. We appreciate this isn’t the most convenient situation and apologies in advance for any inconvenience caused.



A) EMOM 8 mins
Jumping pull up scale
pull ups or CTB
add 1 rep from last week or go from PU to CTB

B) 6 Rounds
1 min AMRAP
ski kcals @ max 28 s/m
1 min AMRAP
Sandbag ground to chest
1 min rest

Base Strength



Set 1 65% x 5
Set 2 75% x 5
Set 3 85% x 5+

2 sec up/down

4 sets of 6 – 8 Bent over rows

C) 4 sets of 10 Single leg deadlift

D) 2 sets of 1 minute plank


Heavy Day
Back Squats

A) 5 sets x 5 reps Back squat – 3 sec lower + pause
Add 2.5-5kg from last week

B) 3 x 5 single leg plate/box jumps

C) 3 sets
20 Front rack lunges
20 Farmers lunges

Base Conditioning

5 rounds – Every 3 min alt between
400m run
500m row


Do you even EMOM?

30 min EMOM
1 – 8/10/12 TTB
2 – 6/8/10 burpee box jump overs
3 – 8/10/12 kcal run


Team takeover
In pairs
25 min AMRAP
150 DU / 30 kcal ski
60 empty bar thrusters
40 DB step ups (22.5/15s)
10 wall climbs



1 power clean (pause at hang and catch)
2 hang power clean (pause at hang and catch)
Focusing on the correct hang position.


6 min AMRAP
15 power cleans

Rest 2 mins

4 min AMRAP
5 power cleans


Dumbbell daft
Every 2 mins x 8 rounds

10 single arm power devils press
60 sec cap each round
Rest 2 mins
2 min on/off x 4
25 KB swings
Max kcal row remaining time


Base Conditioning

Base Strength – Upper body