Weekly workouts – Monday 24th of Oct to Sunday 30th of Oct


Classic CrossFit

Hard Cindy or Regular Cindy
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 weighted pull-ups
10 push-ups with feet on a box
15 squats holding a plate

Base Strength

5 sets of 3 reps @ 85% of last weeks heavy 3 reps

5 seconds lowering of each rep

3 sets of 20m 30 degrees walking lunges

3 set of 15 side bends

superset with

3 sets of 5 roll outs


Barbell Cycling

Build to heavy
2 hang power clean + 2 Split Jerk

For Time
20 kcal bike
20 CnJ 70/47.5
20 kcal run

Base Conditioning

16 minutes Max meter Row

1 min steady pace
2 min fast pace
30 second sprint pace
30 sec recovery pace

Rest 4 minutes

16 minutes Max meter Run

1 min steady
2 min fast
30 second sprint
30 sec recovery


Team Take Over

In Teams of 3
5/4.5km Row
5/4.5km Ski
2 partners working at 1 time

Every 3 mins, starting on 0, 12 synchro down ups

Base Strength


Find your 5RM Push press

Then 3 x 5 push press
reps at 80% of your 5RM.

B) 3 sets of 12 DB bench press

super set with

3 sets of 12 DB lateral raises

C) 3 sets of 10 DB bicep curls

super set with

3 sets of 10 DB Tricup extension



EMOM 16 mins
1- 30-40% of Max ub TTB
2- 30-50 DU

Rest 2 mins

EMOM 16 mins
1 – 45 sec sand bag carry
2- 30 sec hollow hold


Classic CrossFit

5 rounds for time of:

24 deadlifts
18 hang power cleans
12 push jerks


Hero WOD

20 min AMRAP
20 reps, 20kg-overhead squats
20 reps, 20kg back squats
400-meter run


Base Conditioning

Base Strength – Lower body

Weekly workouts – Monday 24th of Oct to Sunday 30th of Oct Read More »