November 2022

Weekly WODs – Monday 28th of Nov to Sunday 4th of Dec

Hey team,
We put out a member’s survey yesterday asking for your feedback! If you can take 5 minutes to fill it in it would be a huge help. We love to use the feedback we receive to continue to improve the gym for you and give you the best experience possible.

Holiday Schedule Updates
The timetable will be changing slightly as we move in to the holiday period:
• Our last Yoga session of this year will be Thursday 1st of Dec and it will return on January 12th of January 2023.
• Base Strength and Base Conditioning will be finishing up on Sunday 4th of December and will return to our timetable on January 16th 2023.
We know you guys love these classes, however with the holidays being a busy time of year, we often see a drop in attendance with them. Good news though, we’ll make sure to program in plenty of strength and conditioning to the normal WODs so that you can still get your fix and when you see them back in January, we’ll hit the ground running with them once again. We will also be running our 12 WODs of Christmas again this year which is an awesome 12 days of challenging workouts which we’d love to see you take on.

BaseFitness Festive Charity Challenge
This year we will be taking on the 1000 burpee challenge! This charity challenge is in aid of EK community food bank. Over the Christmas period last year they helped over 450 adults and 220 children and this year it’ll be no doubt that the numbers in need will be even higher.
The week leading up to the 10th of December we will put a table out where people can drop-off items for the food bank. We will be dropping everything off to the foodbank on Monday the 12th so if you’re able to contribute, we’d ask that your donation is dropped off beforehand.
We understand times are difficult at the moment, so we’re only asking you to contribute if you are able to. Any little bit does help.
Registration is now open for the event on Goteamup and you can get booked in here. All members are welcome to take part and we highly encourage you to do so!

Originally we had said you could complete the 1000 burpees as an individual, duo or trio. However we wanted to open it up further….if 1000 as a duo or trio still seems a big number, then we don’t mind if you ask a few more people to get involved with you and get after the workout however you see fit. It’s all for a good cause and we want as many of you guys taking part as possible.
Thank you and we are looking forward to the day.


Classic CrossFit
EMOM for 24mins
1- 10 over the bar burpees
2- 12 TTB
3- 1 heavy power clean

Base Strength

A) 5 sets of Pull ups


3 sets of 12 Chest supported rows

Super set with

3 sets of 10 – 20 Press ups

C) 2 sets of 15 Box L-sit chin ups



A) Every 90 seconds
3-8 strict HSPU or box scale

B) 1min on / off
1-3 wall climbs
Max wall balls remaining time

Base Conditioning

5km Row


1.6km Run


Classic CrossFit

A) Build to a 3rm bench press


Every 4 mins x 6 rounds
20/15 kcals
15 box jump overs
15 push press 50/35

Base Strength

Back Squat

A) 3 sets of 10 reps – 3 second lowering on each rep + 2 seconds at the bottom

B) 100 Walking DB lunges

C) 3 sets of

60 seconds side plank each side


Heavy Day

A) Build to heavy 3 back squat with 5 sec lower + 5 sec pause on 1st rep

B) 15min AMRAP
5 sandbag to shoulder
75ft box push (slow and steady)
16 reverse lunges with DB in farmers hold
30-45sec hanging knee tuck


Do you even cardio


2min max kcal bike/run
into 1 min max double unders
rest 3 mins


4 Rounds for quality
20-30 empty Barbell Good Mornings
15 sit ups


20min AMRAP
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
5 pull-ups
10 reps Thrusters 42.5/30


Base Conditioning

Base Strength

Weekly WODs – Monday 28th of Nov to Sunday 4th of Dec Read More »

Weekly workouts – Monday 21st of Nov to Sunday 27th of Nov



A) 3 sets of 10 – 15 reps
Ring rows
Strict Pull ups
3 – 5

6 rounds:
Every 3 minutes :
20 DB snatch
15 Burpees over DB

Base Strength

Back Squat
A) Build to a heavy 1 rep max

3 sets of 10 Barbell reverse lunges each side

3 sets of 10
Barbell roll outs


Heavy Day
Back Squat

3 Rounds
20 DB step overs
20 Goblet squats
Rest 1 mins

3 rounds
30 sec plank
30 sec reverse plank

Base Conditioning

6 minutes
Rest 90 seconds
12 minutes
Rest 4 minutes
Run 6 minutes
Rest 90 seconds
12 minutes


Team Takeover

For time:
100 Power Cleans
100 STOH
50 CnJ
Every 2mins starting on zero
16/12 kcal ski

Wednesday Evening HYROX event

There will be no evening classes just the HYROX event.

Base Strength

Find your 1rm Push press

Touch and Go Push Press One set of max reps at 80%
of your 1RM

3 giant sets of
10 – 15 DB shoulder press
10 – 15 Lateral raises
10 – 15 Front raises
10 – 15 Rear delt raises


Do you even Cardio

2min max kcal row
2min AMRAP
15 empty bar thrusters
6 shuttle runs (25ft)
2min max kcal bike
2min rest
x 5


Pump and Grunt

A) 5-5-5 bench press
5-5-5 narrow grip bench press

B) 3 sets of
8-10 underhand rows

C) Tabata
Press ups
plate GTOH
bar hang



25min AMRAP

1.5-mile run
Then AMRAP of:

11 chest-to-bar pull-ups, 7 hang squat cleans, 7 push presses
70/47.5 kg


Base Conditioning

Base Strength – Lower Body

Weekly workouts – Monday 21st of Nov to Sunday 27th of Nov Read More »

Weekly WODs – Monday 14th of Nov to Sunday 20th of Nov


Classic CrossFit

Every 6 minutes x 5 rounds
400m Run
15 Hang Power Snatches (52.5/35)

Base Strength


6 sets of
Rest 10 seconds between reps


Single Arm Front rack DB step ups
3 sets of 8 each leg
Control the way down

C)3 sets of
8 Barbell roll outs


A) Pump and Grunt
Build to heavy 5rm bench press
2sec down, 2 sec up tempo
minimum 5 sets
after each set perform 5-10 dips (using dip bars or boxes if need to scale

B) 10-1
press ups
empty bar curls
strict press
20 weighted sit ups after each round

Base Conditioning

3 sets of 6 minutes intervals
90 seconds recovery

3 sets of 6 minute intervals
90 seconds recovery


Dumbbell daft

2 mins on/ 2 mins off x 8 rounds
30 single unders + 20 double unders
Remaining time AMRAP of:
Double DB devils cluster
(1 devils press + thruster after the snatch)

Base Strength

Find your 2RM.
Then 3 x 2 reps at 80% of
your 2RM.

4 sets of max effort
Strict press @ 30kg / 20kg
DB single arm rows
3 sets of 10 reps each side
Tricep press downs x 20 reps



A) 6min AMRAP
1 strict pull up
1 wall walk
all the way up to 5, then back to 1
Rest 2 mins
6min EMOM
10-20 kip swings

B) 15min AMRAP
Teams of 3
Max kcal ski 15 pulls and switch


Heavy Day

A) Back Squat


B) 15min AMRAP
5 sand bag cleans
10 single arm OH walking lunges each side
10 tall box jumps
30-60sec plank



100-calorie row
75 reps, 20kg /15kg barbell thrusters
50 pull-ups
75 wall-ball shots using a 9/6kg ball
100-calorie row


Base Conditioning

Base Strength – Upper body

Weekly WODs – Monday 14th of Nov to Sunday 20th of Nov Read More »

Weekly WODs – Monday 7th of November to Sunday 13th of Novemeber


A) Every 45 seconds x 8 rounds
1-3 strict pulls ups (weighted)


4min on / 2 min off
2 BMU / jumping bar muscle up / pull up
4 burpees
8 hang DB clean and jerk 30/22.5
x 4 rounds

Base Strength

5 sets of

1.1.1 rest 10 seconds inbetween reps

5 seconds down on each rep

Build in weight

3 sets of 10 each leg DB reverse lunges

3 sets of 20 side hip dip side planks

3 sets of 20 crunches


Barbell Conditioning

A) 1 snatch pull + 1 power snatch + 1 OHS (or 1 more power snatch)


10 Rounds for time
30 double unders
3 power snatch 42.5/30

*Scale to 5 power snatch with no OHS*

Base Conditioning

4 x 1km Row
Hold 5km pace slight faster
Rest 1 minute between intervals

4 x 800m Run
1 minute rest between intervals


Heavy Day

A) Back Squat


B) Accessory

Every 2 mins
A – 8 bulgarian split squats each side
B- 15 weighted jump squats
C – 30-45sec knee tuck hang/ L-sit
D- 2 min rest
x 4

Base Strength

Push press
Find your 3RM.
Then 3 x 3 reps at 80% of
your 3RM.
4 sets of max effort
Bull bar dips or Box dips
Barbell bent over rows
3 sets of 10 reps
3 sets of 10 alternating DB curls


Classic CrossFit

Build to heavy 3 split jerk

B) For time:

50 push press (50/35)
50 box jumps
50 sit ups
25 push press
25 box jumps
25 sit ups


Do you even cardio?

8min AMRAP
30/24 kcal row
20 sit ups
rest 2 mins

8min AMRAP
24/18 kcal run
18 KB Swings 32/24
rest 2mins

8min AMRAP
15/12 kcal ski
10-15 wall balls


A) Build to moderate/Heavy 5 deadlifts

B) Hero WOD
Deadlift 102.5/70


Base Conditioning

Base Strength – Upper

Weekly WODs – Monday 7th of November to Sunday 13th of Novemeber Read More »