Weekly WODs – Monday 12th to Sunday 18th of Dec

Well done to everyone who took part in our BaseFitness festive charity WOD. The 1000 burpees was no easy task but it was awesome to see so many of you come down and give it a go!

More importantly we want to say a massive thank you to every one of you for donating an incredible amount of food to the EK community foodbank. We have been blown away by your generosity. It’s always amazing to see our community get behind an event like this and show just how caring and giving they are.

Thank you from all of us in the BaseFitness Team.

The 12 WODs of Christmas kick off this week!

It’s back and we are super excited to get stuck in to our festive workout season. Make sure not to miss Ryzo’s WOD on Friday as the wee man will be in cheering you all on!


Every 2.5 mins x 4 rounds
20 box step ups
Every 2.5 mins x 4
10-15 sandbag cleans
Every 2.5 mins x 4
375m run


“The partitioned seven”

Seven rounds for time
i go u go round
7 Deadlifts 60 / 40
7 Press ups
7 thrusters 60 / 40
7 burpees
7 kettlebell swings (32/24)
7 knees to elbow
7 pull ups


Team of 3

4km Ski

3km Run

200 cal bike


“Proving Grounds workout 1”

Build to a heavy CnJ

Double Grace
60 GTOH (65/45) (85/57.5)



24min AMRAP
24 kcal row
17 empty bar thrusters
12 DB snatch 30/22.5

Starting on 0 and Every 6minutes – 98 Double Unders


20 amrap
22 air squats
12 toes to bar
9 burpees


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 push presses
10 kettlebell swings
10 box jumps

35kg presses, 16-kg swings, 20-in box
52.5kg presses, 24-kg swings, 24-in box

Weekly WODs – Monday 12th to Sunday 18th of Dec Read More »