Weekly WODs – Moday 9th of Jan to Sunday 15th of Jan 2023

Here we go! The first full week of the new year and we couldn’t be more excited to get things underway. Our full timetable is returning with Base Strength, Base Conditioning and Yoga making a come back. Please note the changes to Monday nights schedule.

Programming update
For the next two months we will be building up towards the CrossFit Open. Don’t worry if you don’t know what this is, we will put a post up explaining more soon. To help you prepare, our classic CrossFit classes will be leaning towards a lot of lightweight barbell cycling and workouts where you can consistently move for 12-16 minutes.
To complement our programming and pull up workshop happening this Sunday we will also be focusing more on pull up strength/endurance in our funastics classes.
Our Heavy days will be a progressive squat cycle. We will be establishing a heavy 3 RM in our upcoming testing week and using this number to build on.
Base Conditioning classes will have a focus on interval work. We spent a good amount of time doing longer steady work before the holidays building a nice aerobic base. We will now be upping the intensity focusing on improving our body’s ability to recover (clear lactate) and getting ready to work again at similar intensity. Expect some short to medium intensity using Run, Row or Ski intervals.
Base Strength
We will be focusing on 3 big compound movements in the next Base Strength cycle. Bench Press, Deadlifts and Chin ups.
The strength cycle will last 12 weeks. There will be deloads on week 5 and 10 with week 11 being our target to hit some new 1 rep maxes.
If you have a good idea of your true 1 rep max then this will help throughout the program but If you don’t that’s ok to.
We recommend you keep notes of your workouts as the program is progressive and we will be building on it each week. This is very difficult to do if we don’t know what weight you did last week.
The program has a focus on max effort movements our bench and deadlifting where the focus is strength gains. Then bodybuilding accessory work where we are trying to promote hypertrophy (muscle growth) and when time allows we will also have finisher sets which are nice dopamine inducing, muscle swelling, feel good ways to finish a session.
Look forward to seeing you in the class!
Pull Up Workshop – 15th January
This Sunday (15th of Jan) at 10am we will hosting a workshop, free for all our members. The focus will be on helping you learn or become more efficient at Strict, Kipping or butterfly Pull Ups. Now we understand that one workshop isn’t going to get you there so we will be putting out free programming with our weekly WODs with an additional session that you can perform on your own to help reach your goals. The plan on the day is to split things into categories depending on your ability and focus. We will have plenty of coaches on hand to help get you where you want to be.

Remember next week starting on January 16th we will have our first official testing week. The plan is to record each one of these workouts and use them as benchmarks throughout the year to help keep you motivated and help track progress as the year goes on. Having measurable data is an awesome tool to help keep you smashing goals in 2023!


Do you even Cardio?
0-15 min
Ellen – 3 rounds for time of:
20 burpees
21 dumbbell snatches
12 dumbbell thrusters
15-30 min
3 RFT:
400m run or 30/21 kcal bike
30 sit ups

Base Strength

A) Bench Press 72.5% x 8, 77.5% x 6, 82.5% x 4 or more

B) Flat DB Press 2 x Max Reps using the same weight (Choose a weight that you can
get around 20-25 reps with on the 1st set)

C1) Barbell bent over rows 4 x 15
C2) Banded tricep Pushdowns (straight bar) 4 x 15

D1) DB Shrugs (2 Sec Holds) 3 x 15
D2) DB Lateral Raises 3 x 15


Heavy Day

A) 7-7-7-7 deadlift

B) 3 sets
8-10 bulgarian split squats
20 glute bridges
30 sec side plank or pulses each side
rest 90 seconds

Base Conditioning

10 Rounds
30 sec max effort
2:30 rest



A) EMOM 10mins
TTB (skill practice pick a number you can hold for the full 10 minutes)


12 min AMRAP
20 wall balls
15 box jumps
10 ring press ups

Base Strength

A) Deadlift: 72.5% x 8, 77.5% x 6, 82.5% x 4

B) Barbell Good morning 3×15
B2) Barbell squat jumps 3 x 6 reps

C) 4 sets of 20 Russian twists

D) Chin-ups (total reps) = Chin-up max + 50%


Barbell Conditioning

For 30 minutes complete:
Odd – 3 power cleans
Even -15/12 M 12/9 F – Kcal Ski


Pump and Grunt

A) Back Squat

1min max – DB deadlifts
1min max – push press
1 min max strict pull ups/ ring rows
1 min rest
x 4


Open repeat


For total time:
3 rounds of:
10 snatches
12 bar-facing burpees
Then, rest 3 minutes before continuing with:
3 rounds of:
10 bar muscle-ups
12 bar-facing burpees
Time cap: 12 minutes


Base Conditioning

Gymnastic workshop – Pull ups (please note the gymnastic workshop is only taking place of BaseStrength this week)

Weekly WODs – Moday 9th of Jan to Sunday 15th of Jan 2023 Read More »