Weekly WODs – Monday 6th of Feb to Sunday 12th of Feb


Classic CrossFit

10min AMRAP
50 Double Unders
30 overhead lunges
Rest 5 mins
10min AMRAP
15 wall balls
15/12 kcal row

Base Strength

A) Bench Press: 50% x 5, 60% x 5

B) Flat DB Press: 3 x 15
C) DB bent over rows: 3 x 15
D) Barbell backrack Shrugs: 3 x 10

E) 3 sets of 8 reps deadlifts, bent rows, hang cleans, push press, back squat


Olympic lifting


1 clean deadlift (2 sec pause at knee)
1 Clean Pull
1 power clean


3min on/off
ascending ladder adding 2 reps each round
power clean (50/35)
push press
x 3

Base conditioning

30 sec max down ups
30 sec max kcals
4 mins rest
x 8 rounds



A) 12 Min EMOM
strict pull ups or kip/butterfly

B) 90 sec on/off
15 hanging weighted knee raises
max ski remaining time
x 6

C) Core work

Base Strength


A) DB Squat Jumps DBs: 2 sets of 6 reps
B) Deadlift: 50% x 5, 60% x 5 65-75% x 5

C) Core – 3 sets of 10 Half turkish get ups
100 lying leg lifts
100 Back extensions

D) Chin-ups 50% of chin-up max
E) Empty Barbell Curls: 100 total reps (no added weight)


A) Heavy Day
5 x 5 pause back squat
add 2.5-5kg from last week

B) 15min AMRAP
60 sec sandbag march
20 Double DB box step over
10 – 15 ring hamstring curls


Team Takeover

In Pairs
40min AMRAP
max kcal run or bike
on the 0 and every 5mins
20 sync hang snatch
15 sync down ups


Pump and Grunt

Every 2 mins for 8 sets (4 each)
A- 8-10 bradford press with full lock out
B – 10-12 DB bench press

4 Rounds
10-20 press ups
20 bicep curls
20 empty bar thrusters
rest 90secs

C) Finisher
pike leg lift overs


Base Conditioning

Base Strength – Lower body


Negative pull ups
5 sets of 3 reps Aim for 5 second negative rest :60 between sets

Ring rows
6 sets of 10 reps
rest :90 between sets

Bent over barbell rows
4 sets of 8 reps
rest :90 between sets Supinated Grip

Kip swings 2 sets of 20 reps

Chin over bar hold and press away drill
6 sets of 3 reps

EMOM for 7 minutes
1-3 Kipping pull ups

Strength work
Press against the bar (hanging) roll ups
5 sets of 2-3 reps

Technical work
Butterfly drills with one foot on a box
1 sets of 20 reps

Strict Butterfly
3 sets of 20 seconds
50% size of actualy butterfly pull ups
Lots of shoulder control

Strength work
Pause Butterflys at the top
5 sets of 4 reps

EMOM for 5 minutes
2-3 Butterfly pull ups

Plank marches
4 sets of 20 reps
rest :90 between sets

Hollow Rocks
6 sets of :30 effort
rest :30 between sets

Plank marches
4 sets of 20 reps
rest :90 between sets

Hollow Rocks
6 sets of :30 effort
rest :30 between sets

Plank marches
4 sets of 20 reps
rest :90 between sets

Hollow Rocks
6 sets of :30 effort
rest :30 between sets

Weekly WODs – Monday 6th of Feb to Sunday 12th of Feb Read More »