Weekly WODs – Monday 10th of April to Sunday 16th of April


Barbell conditioning

A) 3 Front Squats + 3 split jerks
Build in weight


10 Rounds for time
9 Deadlifts
6 hang power cleans
3 Split jerks



A) Handstand practice


1min on/off
12/9kcal ski
max hanging knee raises remaing time or weighted)

Base Conditioning

2min on
4min off


Classic Crossfit
5min AMRAP
30 DU
14 hang DB snatch
Rest 5mins

5min AMRAP
10 burpees over the DB
10 hang DB clean and jerk
Rest 5mins

5min AMRAP
10 press ups
10 jumping pull ups (just higher than open standard)

Base Strength

A) Back Squat 67.5% x 10, 77.5% x 8, 82.5% x 6, 50% x max reps of 1rm Back Squat (3 seconds lowering on each rep)

B1) 10 Broad jumps
B2) 10 Ring hammie curls
B3) 20 DB walking Lunges

C1) 3 sets of 30 seconds flutter kicks
C2) 3 sets of 20 V-ups


Heavy Day


4 x 10 deadlift @ 2.5-5kg heavier than last week
Going every 3 mins


Every 2 mins x 3
A – 20 reverse deficit lunges
B – 20-30s Copenhagen plank
C – 60 sec steady box push


Do you even Cardio?

1 min max kcal 3min rest
x 3 different bits of kit
2min maxk kcal 2 min rest
x 3 different bits of kit
3 min max kcal 1min rest
x 3 different bits of kit

starting hard with lots of rest then reducing


Team TakeOver

establish 5rm thruster
50 thursters 50/35
50 burpees over the bar
50 power cleans
50 kcal run


Base Conditioning

Base Strength

A) Bench Press 67.5% x 10, 77.5% x 8, 82.5% x 6, 50% x max reps of 1rm bench press (3 seconds lowering on each rep)

B) 4 sets of 8 reps DB strict Press (no tempo)

C1) Wide grip Pull ups (or banded) 5-10 reps
C2) Ring dips or Bull bar dips x 5 – 10 reps

D) Max Diamond press ups
2 x max reps

Weekly WODs – Monday 10th of April to Sunday 16th of April Read More »