Weekly WODs – Monday 24th of April to Sunday 30th of April

10-year anniversary announcement

This year BaseFitness & CrossFit is turning 10 years old!
To celebrate we are hosting an evening at the Holiday Inn on Friday 2nd of June. We would love for you to join us at 6:30pm for drinks, a 3-course meal and good times.

We have made loads of memories over the past 10 years and we want the evening to be shared with those who helped make those memories.
We would like to extend the invite to partners and friends who may like to come with you to the evening.
Tickets are available to purchase for £45 which includes;
•     Drink on arrival
•     3 course meal
•     Drink of your choice
•     Sally entertainment 😉

If you are unable to come for the meal, you are welcome to join us in the evening from 8pm for a drink on arrival and buffet. Evening tickets are available for £15.

After the meal we will have a DJ taking us in to the wee hours, doing what we do best……party!

The menu choice is below, if you have any special dietary requirements then please let us know and we will send you alternative options.

To purchase a ticket please email info@basefitness with your food choices. Then we will send you payment details.

There is also reduced room rates available if you wish to stay overnight. You can get the reduced rate of at least 15% by phoning the holiday inn and quoting our event.

The address for the venue is
Holiday Inn Glasgow – East Kilbride
Stewartfield Way,
East Kilbride
G74 5LA, Scotland

We very much look forward to seeing as many of you at the evening as possible.

Healthy regards
Sally (Simon & Ally)

Track Day and Scottish Power lifting event

On Saturday the gym will be closed all day due to Scottish Powerlifting hosting an event in the facility.

The gym will operate as normal on Friday and Sunday.

We will be putting on a special track day on Saturday in place of the regular WOD times. We have hired out the John Wrights sports centre track from 9:30am to 10:30am with the plan to meet at 9:15am.

Coach Fee McTaggart will be running the session. She has a wealth of experience in sprinting and athletics making her the perfect woman for the job. If you have never done one of our track days then this is something not to be missed. We will cater for all levels and have a few options workout wise on the day so please do try and make it along.

Bookings will be made as normal on goteamup. We hope to see as many of you there as possible. The session will go ahead regardless of the weather so dress appropriately. After the warm up though you will be more than ready to run!


Do you even Cardio?

3min Run
3min Row
3min Bike
3min Ski
3min rest
x 3

Base Strength


Bench Press 6,
Set 1, 70% x 6 reps
Set 2, 75% x 6 reps
Set 3, 85% x 6 reps +

DB bench press 3 sets of 10 reps

Bull bar dips 3 sets of 10 reps
or press ups 3 sets of 10 reps

D) Tricep DB extension 3 sets of 10 reps



Olympic testing
1rm clean + Jerk


5 rounds for time
12, 9 , 6
Hang Power Clean

Base Conditioning

6min Kit 1
6min Kit 2
3 min Rest
4min Kit 1
4min Kit 2
2min rest
2min Kit 1
2min Kit 2
1min Rest
4min Kit 1
4min Kit 2



A) For time:
2minutes max DU

B) HSPU work
2min max Strict HSPU
2min max press ups

C) 12min amrap
5 burpee pull up
15 wall balls
add 1 burpee pull up each round

Base Strength

A) Back squat
Set 1, 70% x 6 reps
Set 2, 75% x 6 reps
Set 3, 80% x 6 reps +

3 sets of 20 Barbell back rack lunges

3 sets of 10 heavy DB squats

D) 3 sets of 60 seconds Weighted plank hold


Heavy Day

A) 4 x 8 deadlift @ 2.5-5kg heavier than last week

B) 12min AMRAP
15 barbell GMs (add weight if easy)
8-10 step ups each side (suitcase if easy)
20 pause crossover mountain climbers (elbow at knee)
30 second bar hang


Classic CrossFit
3min AMRAP
15 Push Press (50/35)
15 box jumps
max Burpee to bar touch in remaining time
3min rest


Gym closed.


5 Rounds
1 min max efforts
A- wall balls
B- Sumo high pulls
C – shuttle runs
D – push press
E – rest

Base Strength

Weekly WODs – Monday 24th of April to Sunday 30th of April Read More »