Picture of Basefitness


Weekly WODs Monday 29th to Sunday 4th of June

This weekend will be our 10-year anniversary! We hope you are just as excited as us for our anniversary party on Friday.

Here are a couple of details for this coming Friday.

If you are coming for the meal, doors will open from 6pm with the plan to be seated by 6:30pm.

Evening guest can arrive from 7:30pm for 8pm. The dress code for the evening is smart.

Tickets are still available for the evening if you haven’t got yours yet.

If you haven’t already, please can you make your payment as soon as is convenient.

It’s going to be a great night and we look forward to seeing you all there.

BoxMate roll out is finally here. We will be rolling out BoxMate next week, with the goal of having everybody ready to use it for recording scores and programming the week after (Monday 5th of June) . This will give everyone a week to get the app downloaded, set up and becoming familiar with it. There is loads of how to videos within the app, which are really helpful to get to grips with it all.

We will then make the full switch over to the app on Monday the 5th of June. This means all class bookings will be done through the Boxmate app and no longer through the “goteamup” app. You will need to keep your “goteamup” app as this will be used for any membership issues. However everything else will now go through the Boxmate app; Booking classes, recording workouts, messages, newsletters, announcements etc.

We are really excited to be implementing Boxmate in to the gym and can’t wait for you all to try it out.

Upcoming gym hour changes.

This Monday (29th) is a bank holiday with the gym running its usual bank holiday hours.

Please note due to the 10 year anniversary the gym will be shut on Friday evening and Saturday. We will have open gym from 2pm to 5pm on Friday the 2nd of June.

We apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Have an awesome week team and we will see you all on Friday for a party!


Do you even cardio?

8min AMRAP
Max distance row
Every 300/275m – 3 wall climbs
Rest 2 mins

8min AMRAP
Max distance run
Every 200m
16 weighted reverse lunges
rest 2 mins

8min AMRAP
Max box jump overs
Every 12 reps – 6-10 TTB

Base Strength

A) Push press Build to a heavy 5 reps for today
3 x 5 reps at 80% of your 5RM.

5 sets of
DB seated strict press (2 second pause at the bottom)
DB bent over rows (2 sec hold at the belly button)
DB shrugs (2 second hold at the top)

3 sets of 20 Side plank hip dips


Barbell Cycling

Warm Up
Every 2mins x 4
5 Tempo Overhead Squats
3 sec to lower
slightly heavier than last week

1 Power snatch + 2 hang snatch

hang power snatches
burpees over the bar

Base Conditioning

Every 3mins x 7
400m run

Every 3mins x 7
500/450m row


Heavy Day
Bench Press
4 x 8 bench press (@90-95% of last weeks 8)
1 x max effort @ 54% of 8rm

0-10 minutes
Inverted Ring rows
Single KB upright row
10 weighted sit ups after each round

10-20 minutes
DB Floor press
barbell bicep curls (3 sec to lower)
20-30 sec half push up plank after each round

Base Strength

A) Back Squat

On the 0: 10 Reps @ 67%
On the 3: 8 Reps @ 72%
On the 6: 6 Reps @ 77%
On the 9: 4 Reps @ 82%
On the 12: 2 Reps @ 87%

4 sets of 10 reps
Back rack lunges

C) 100 Walking lunges
Every 10 reps perform 10 Knee to elbows twists


Classic CrossFit


Build to heavy, from the floor
2 Front Squat + 2 thrusters + 2 push press


Pull Ups
6 min time cap
Pair up – 1 partner go, the other count and then swtich




Warm up
30 sec x 3
RMU turnover with feet on ground
thumbs incontact of with body whole time
3 sets
strict Chest to ring pull ups – false grip
(1 sec pause at top)

3 sets of strict ring dips
(8-10 reps, otherwise weighted)

EMOM x 12
1 – 30 sec ring support hold
2 – 45 secmax kcal ski (26s/m pace)
3 – 30 sec max narrow grip press ups


Gym closed


Base Conditioning

Base Strength – Upper