Picture of Basefitness


Weekly WODs – Monday 31st of Jan to Sunday 6th of Feb


Barbell conditioning

10 down to 1 of:
Hang power cleans
Shoulder to overhead

after every round 8 burpees over the bar

Base Strength

A) 3 sets of 10 deadlifts @ 2.5-5kg heavier than last week

3 sets of:
20 Wide stance Stiff leg DL
20 Split leg lunges

3 sets of 20 sec
Flutter kicks hanging or knee tucks


Heavy Day

A) 5 sets of 4 back squat
add 2.5-5kg from last week

B) 4 sets of:
10 DB step ups each leg
2 length farmers carry

Base Conditioning

Alt between Row and Run
2 min max kcals rest 1 min x 2
4 min max kcals rest 2 min x 2
6 min max kcals rest 3 mins x 2
2 min max kcals rest 1 min x 2



EMOM for 15 minutes:
1 – 5-8 wide grip strict pull ups
2 – 1-3 wall climbs
3 – Rest

EMOM 12 mins
1 – 60 sec ski
2 – Hollow hold 30-45 sec
3 – rest

Base Strength

A) Strict Press
5 sets of 2 reps Heavy

1 set of Max reps @ 70% of Heavy 2

4 sets of:
Seated DB press 2 x DB x 8 – 12 reps

C) 4 sets of:
Barbell Skull crushers 8 – 10 reps

D) 3 sets of 1 minute side plank


DumbBell Daft

4 x 10 single arm DB push press each side
(control down)
8 min AMRAP
20 DB Snatch
20 DB walking lunges (farmers hold)
40 Double Unders
Rest 2 mins
2 Rounds for time (6min time cap)

7:30pm Stretch


Team Take Over

14 min time cap
80 TTB
60 burpee box jumps
40 sand bag cleans
max front squats remaining time (60/40)
Rest 4 mins
10min time cap
65 TTB
45 Burpee box jumps
25 sand bag cleans
max front squats remaining time (60/40)


Classic CrossFit

Rope pulls (seated on floor)
4-5 sets of 30seconds


5 Rounds
1 – 1 minute Kcal Run
2 – 1 minute Wall Balls
3 – 1 minute Sit Ups
4 – Rest


Base Conditioning

Base Strength – Repeat of Lower strength class