Picture of Basefitness


Weekly WODs – Monday 19th of September to Sunday 25th of September

With the funeral for Queen Elizabeth II taking place this coming Monday morning, as a sign of respect we will be adjusting our opening hours slightly. Our morning classes will run as normal until 9am. The gym will be shut from 9am until 3pm when our schedule will resume as normal for the rest of the evening.We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause..


Pump and Grunt

Every 3 mins x 4 rounds
2-5 weighted chin ups
15 press ups
15 weighted sit ups

Every 2 mins x 4 rounds
15 DB bicep curls
15 DB overhead tricep extentions

C) 2 sets max on the strict press

50 empty bar strict press
750/650m ski erg

Base Strength

On the 0: 9 Reps @ 71%
On the 3: 7 Reps @ 76%
On the 6: 5 Reps @ 81%
On the 9: 3 Reps @ 86%
On the 12: 1 Reps @ 91%
On the 13: 1 Reps @ 91%
On the 14: 1 Reps @ 91%

3 sets
10-12 barbell glute bridges with 1 sec pause at top

30 sec cyclist goblet squat
30 sec jumping lunges
30 sec plank march
30 sec rest
x 4


Classic CrossFit

4 min AMRAP
6 DB box step overs
Rest 4 mins

4 min AMRAP
15 wall balls
15 KB Swings
rest 4 mins
x 2

Base Conditioning

30min EMOM

Min 1. Run 14/10kcal
Min 2. Ski 15/12 kcal
Min 3. Row 15/12kcal


Team Takeover

Teams of 3:
270/216 kcal Run or bike
360/288 Kcal Ski or Row

Switching team member every 30/24 kcals
Starting on 0 and every 30/24 the other two team mates must perform 10-15 syncro down ups

Base Strength

A) Bench Press
5 sets of 3 reps
slightly heavier than last week

4 sets of
4 – 6 weighted strict pull ups or ring rows

4 sets of:
Max seated DB strict press
Super set with
Max press ups



A) Build to a heavy
3 rm back squat
3 sec hold at bottom of each rep

B) 5 Rounds
10 sand bag lunges
160ft sand bag carry
10 sandbag squats


Barbell Cycling

A) 5 sets of:
2 hang power cleans + 2 hang squat cleans


12min AMRAP
12 deadlifts
12 hang power cleans
12 Push Press



7 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters/ or row / ski 500m
21 walking lunges
15 pull-ups
9 burpees

Optional weighted vest.


Base Conditioning

Base Strength – Lower body