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Weekly WODs – Monday 31st of Oct to Sunday 6th of Nov

HYROX PFT Tour x Base Fitness

We are super excited to be hosting the HYROX PFT tour on Wed 23rd Nov 2022 at 6pm-8pm!

This is a completely free event for our members and will give you a taste of what HYROX is all about.

The workout will be the HYROX PFT
The PFT is a great “Taste of HYROX” as it is broadly accessible and includes many of the key HYROX movements. It typically takes between 20-30 minutes to complete (depending on fitness level)

To get signed up simply click here HYROX PFT Tour All bookings are done through Hyrox so there will be no classes on Goteamup. Make sure to use the code BASE-FITNESS-100 so they know you are a BaseFitness member.

The event will kick off at 6pm so everyone is to arrive just before and we will be setting you off in heats much like the HYROX events.
There will be the chance to win a pair of PUMA nitros for the male and female winner of the PFT tour event.

This is going to be a great night so please get booked in asap to avoid disappointment as spaces are limited.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:

500/450m row
3 rounds
3 wall walks
6 box jumps
12 DB snatch

Base Strength

A) 6 sets of 2 reps @ 85% of last weeks heavy 3 reps
5 seconds lowering of each rep

B) 8 min AMRAP of
10 DB Deadlifts
10 DB walking Lunges

C) 30 – 20 – 10
Barbell side bends
Hanging knee raises



8-8-8 Front Squat
6-6-6 back squat


Every 2.5mins x 4 rounds
20 reverse lunges (empty bar)
15 good mornings (empty bar)
10 jumping squats (empty bar)
5 calf raises each side

Base Conditioning

20 minute Max meter Run
Starts with 45 second hard effort
Every 5th minute 45 second hard effort

Rest 5 minutes

20 minute Max meter Row
Starts with 45 second hard effort
Every 5th minute 45 second hard effort




EMOM 12 mins
1 – 4-8 weighted strict pull ups
2 – 8-12 kip swings


For Time:
10-1 strict ring dips/ dips
10 down ups
10 weighted sit ups

everything stays 10 apart from the dips

Base Strength


Find your 4RM. Then 3 x 4

reps at 80% of your 4RM

push press.


4 sets of max effort

DB bench press


Supine ring rows

4 sets of max effort


3 sets of 10 barbell bicep curls


Barbell Cycling

I Go U Go – a full round
5 rounds for time each of:

18 deadlifts (50/35)
12 hang power cleans
9 push jerks
250m run


Team take over

For max reps
3 min max kcal bike
3 min max double db devils press
3 min wall balls
3 min rest
x 3



4 Rounds for time
35 kettlebell swings 24/16
30 push-ups
25 pull-ups (jumping pull ups)
20 box jumps using a 30/24
700m true form run or 1km/900m row


Base Conditioning

Base Strength – Upper body