Picture of Basefitness


Weekly WODs – Monday 27th of March to Sunday 2nd of April

Hello team!

The guys at Soulsuites (check them out at @soulsuites_ek on instagram) are offering all our members a 25% off discount code for Saturday 1st of April. They offer an amazing space for recovery and relaxtion. They have Ice baths, infrared Sauna, breathwork and mediation available.

To book your spot click the link below and use code CROSSFITEK to recieve the discount.




Team Takeover

30min AMRAP
10 wall balls
10 TTB
10 kcal run

add 10 reps each round

Base Strength

A) Bench Press 60% x 10, 70% x 8, 75% x 6, 50% x 15 reps of 1rm bench press (3 seconds lowering on each rep)

B1) DB strict press – 10, 10, 10 (3 seconds lowering each rep)
B2) Bent over row – 10, 10, 10 (3 seconds lowering each rep)

C1) DB incline Press, 10, 10, 10 (1 second pause at the bottom)
C2) Ring rows, 10, 10, 10 (1 second pause at the top)

D1) 2 sets tricep dips on bench x max reps
D2) 2 sets barbell curls x max reps


Heavy Day

A) 4 sets of 10 deadlift @ 2.5-5kg heavier than last week
Going every 3 mins


4 Rounds:
20 double DB box step overs
20 weighted calf raises (barbell)
20 weighted glute bridges with pause at top
rest 1 min between exercises

Base Conditioning

2 min run
2 min row
2 min ski
x 7


Classic CrossFit

Double Unders
Hang DB sntach 22.5/15
Down ups

Base Strength

A) Back squat 60% x 10, 70% x 8, 75% x 6, 50% x 15 reps of 1rm bench press (3 seconds lowering on each rep)

B) Barbell stationary lunges 3 sets of 10 reps each side

C) 3 sets of 10 hammie curls on rings

D) 3 sets of 20 Side plank hip dips
D2) 3 sets of 30 flutter kicks


Do you even Cardio?
4 Rounds
2 min Run
2 min Row
2 min Ski
2 min Bike
2 min Rest


Barbell cycling

A) 1 Full clean + 1 Front squat + 2 split jerk


Every 30 secs x 20
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang squat clean + 1 Split Jerk



A) Handstand practice


18 min AMRAP
5 strict chin ups
10 devils press
20 walking lunges
30 sit ups


Base Conditioning

Base Strength