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Weekly WODs – Monday 24th of Feb to Sunday 1st of March


Long Term Membership Offer

By now most of you have hopefully seen our video on the Private Members page, showing you an insight into what the new gym currently looks like. It’s a great big space and we have equally big plans to make it the best gym ever. In order to help facilitate some of our plans coming to life, we have decided to offer a one-off opportunity to purchase a long term membership option with us. This is something we’ve never done before and likely won’t again, so if it is of interest we’d ask you to reach out. The details? Please see below:

18-month membership contract offer – This option would involve an upfront payment of £1200 and offer you a Gold membership across the contract term. In this option you would receive a discount of £150 off the normal cost of 18 months, which is equivalent to two months free!!

12-month membership contract offer – This option would involve an upfront payment of £825 and offer you a Gold Membership across the contract term. In this option you would receive a discount of £75 off the normal cost of 12 months, which is equivalent to a month free!

As this is something we don’t normally offer, numbers will be limited to 10 memberships per offer. You can register interest by emailing us at info@basefitness.co. It’s not often that discounts come around, so this is a great opportunity if you are looking for a bargain!

*Please note, There will be T+C’s attached to these membership options. In these options we cannot offer any part or full refunds if the membership is terminated/walked away from at any point. As well, there will no option to freeze, hold or transfer the membership at any point during it’s duration.

Bring a Friend Session – Saturday 29th February, 9.45am-10.45am

Just a quick reminder that this upcoming Saturday is our next “Bring a friend” Class at Base Fitness! This is a chance to finally put your friends through one of our workouts! It’s a great chance for anyone new to give our classes a try, within a fun and supportive environment (and with you by their side!). Spaces are limited, so if you’d like to join, please sign up via the link here: https://goteamup.com/p/1651873-base-fitness-crossfit/e/22942186-base-fitness-bring-a-friend-class/ – both you and your friend will need to reserve a space separately. Can’t make it? Don’t worry, send your friend along anyway, we’ll make sure they are looked after!

Beyond Training

Recipe of the Week – Baked Turkey and Spinach Samosas

It’s a big thank you to Chef Tom Kerridge for this recipe and I can’t wait to give it a try! This is a spin on a classic samosa that you might be used to, but a slightly lighter version. Using Filo Pastry as an alternative lowers both calorie and carbohydrates allowing for a few extra portions if you please. As an alternative to turkey mince, you could also use substitutions such as ground chicken or lighter mince. Enjoy!


Weekly Workouts

Base CrossFit


4 x 10-15 Box Dips
4 x 4-10 strict ring dips (pause at top and bottom)

3 Rounds
2 min Kcal
2 min db step ups
2min 3 Strict pull ups/CTB (6 ring rows) + 10 air squats
2min Rest


1 Power Clean
2 hang power clean
3 Shoulder to overhead

12 min AMRAP
10 Deadlift (60/40)
8 Hang Power Clean
6 shoulder to overhead


Wall Climb practice
accumulate time upside down

8 Rounds for time
8 Strict HSPU (15 Press Ups)
12 Box Jumps
18 KB Swings


A) 8 sets of 3 3 Front squats
Aiming to go every 90 seconds


15 minutes For Quality
20 Barbell Good mornings
20 Reverse Lunges (DB/KBs)
20 Single arm KB deadlifts
1min Plank


3 min On
20 TTB
10 Slam Ball over shoulder
Remaining time max Kcal Ski

3 min Off

3 min On
50 Double Unders
16 DB Snatch 30 / 22.5

x 3

Saturday (In Base unit)

In Teams of 3

4 min Row/ski
3 Min burpees over bar
2 Power cleans 70/45
x 3

Base Strength


5 sets of 4 rep Back squat (same weight for all sets at last weight from last week)

4 rounds for quality:
20 Front rack lunges
20 DB Strict press (min 8 reps strict, push press rest)
30 raised air squats

20 sec plank left leg/right leg/plank
30 sec banded good mornings


A) 4 sets of 6 reps Push Press

8 Rounds
10 Barbell Muscle Cleans
10 Strict Press
10 press ups
15 jumping squats

Shoulder health


Repeat Friday’s Strength class

Base Conditioning


4 Rounds:
1 min goblet squats
1 min max kcal run
1 min DB snatch
1 min down ups
1 min rest


2.min 45 sec work (1-3 sec faster than 2.5km pace)
75 sec rest
x 3
2.min 45 sec work (1-3 sec faster than 2.5km pace)
75 sec rest
x 3
4 min on 2 min rest (Aim to Run further than last week)
x 2


Repeat Wednesday conditioning