
Workouts Monday 15th of March to Sunday 21st


Every 2mins x 10

40 Double unders
10 press ups
20 air squats


100 reps for time
1 Devils press + push press + thruster


4 Rounds
Max floor press each side
12 bent over rows each side
Max tempo narrow press ups

Tabata hollow hold

4 Rounds
8 lateral box step ups
20 cossack squats

Tabata back extensions


20 min AMRAP
10 power cleans each side
20 sit ups
10 push press each side
20 Burpees


4min AMRAP
4 goblet reverse lunges
2 DB/KB swings each side
add 2 reps each time
try hold onto DB/KB whole time

rest 2 mins

4min AMRAP
2 DB snatch each side
2 DB Front squat each side
add 2 reps each time
try hold onto DB/KB whole time
rest 2 mins

x 2


Open 21.2

Workouts Monday 15th of March to Sunday 21st Read More »

Monday 8th of March to Sunday 14th of March


1 min on / 1 off

x 10 rounds
10 ski in and outs
5 hang DB CnJ each side
Max burpees remaining time


5 Rounds
10 split squat lunges each side
10 strict press each side

5 Rounds
20 walking lunges
10 single arm swings each side

For time
20 weighted sit ups
40 sit ups


For time:

50 in and outs
50 air squats
50 in and outs
Directly into:
30 DB Snatches, 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
20 DB Snatches, 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
10 DB Snatches, 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs


20 min AMRAP
3 Turkish Get ups each side
10 plank rotations each side
16 cossack squats

3 rounds gymnastic swimming


2 min on 1 min off

x 7 rounds
40 Double unders
8 DB power cleans each side
remaining time max double hand thrusters


Open Workout 🙂

Monday 8th of March to Sunday 14th of March Read More »

Monday 1st of March to Sunday 7th of March


3 DB Snatch
3 Box Jumps
6 DB sntach
6 Box Jumps
….add 3 reps each time

rest 2 mins

8 min AMRAP
2 DB facing burpees
2 OH lunges (each side)
4 DB facing burpees
4 OH lunges (each side)
add 2 reps each time


5 rounds 3 min on 1 min off:
30 Double Unders
10 Goblet Squats
10 Press ups


3 Sets:
10 Bent Over Rows
20 Weighted Glute Bridges
10 Lawnmower Rows
20 Back Extensions
Rest 2:00 between sets.

3 Sets
20 front loaded GMs
20 cossack squats
rest 2 mins between sets

Tabata hollow hold


25 min AMRAP
20 hang DB snatch
30 mountain climbers
20 thrusters
60 sec plank hold


5 Rounds for time of:
30 sec deadlift right
30 sec deadlift left
30 sec hang power clean right arm
30 sec hang power clean left arm
30 sec Push press right
30 sec Push press left
rest 90 seconds


Buy In
30 Devils press + thruster

20 rounds
3 press ups
6 jumping lunges
9 sit ups

Buy Out
30 Devils press + thruster

Monday 1st of March to Sunday 7th of March Read More »

Monday 22nd Feb to Sunday 28th of Feb


14min AMRAP
40 Double unders
20 DB snatch
10 Burpees


4 Rounds for Time
20 Press Ups
20 DB CnJ (10 each side)

Rest 2 mins

8 Rounds for time
20 In and Outs
10 DB CnJ (5 each side)


10 – 1
Dumbbell Deadlifts
Dumbbell Front Squats
Dumbbell Push Jerks
10 Box Jumps after each round


20 min AMRAP
10 Turkish get ups
15 Air squats
20 walking lunges
25 sit ups

3 rounds gymnastic swimming


4 rounds
8 single leg step ups each side
20 sec single leg glute bridge each side

4 rounds
8 Bent over rows (3 sec lower)
5-10 wide press ups (2 sec lower 2 sec up)
30second Back extensions

4 rounds
10sec hollow hold into 10 crunches into 10 sit ups


For time
20 Devils press
20 Clusters
40 Devils press
40 Clusters
60 Devils press
60 Clusters

Monday 22nd Feb to Sunday 28th of Feb Read More »